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  • Aleksander Vasilyevich Zapadov (1907 - 1997)
    Алекса́ндр Васи́льевич Западов (23 января [5 февраля] 1907 год, Кронштадт — 11 сентября 1997, Москва) — советский и российский литературовед, писатель. Доктор филологических наук (1959), профессор. Зас...
  • Игорь Михайлович Дьяконов (1915 - 1999)
    GEDCOM Note Петроград 25 JAN 2016 03:17:51 GEDCOM Source Книга воспоминаний 25 JAN 2016 03:17:51 25 JAN 2016 03:17:50
  • Leo Klejn (1927 - 2019)
    Лев Самуи́лович Клейн (1 июля 1927, Витебск — 7 ноября 2019, Санкт-Петербург) Советский и российский историк, археолог, культур-антрополог, филолог, историк науки. Профессор, доктор исторических наук. ...
  • Сергей Львович Печерский (1950 - 2015)
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Saint Petersburg State University (Russian: СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет), also known as St Petersburg University (SPbU), is a public research university based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is the oldest and one of the largest universities in Russia. Founded in 1724 by a decree of Peter the Great, the university from the very beginning has had a strong focus on fundamental research in science, engineering, and humanities.


The university changed its official name:

1819 - St. Petersburg University
1821 - Imperial St. Petersburg University
1914 - Imperial Petrograd University
1917 - Petrograd University
1918 - First Petrograd University
1919 - Petrograd University
1921 - Petrograd State University
1924 - Leningrad State University
1933 - Leningrad State University named after A.S. Bubnov
1937 - Leningrad State University
1944 - Leningrad Order of Lenin State University
1948 - Leningrad Order of Lenin State University named after A. A. Zhdanov
1969 - Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University named after A. A. Zhdanov
1989 - Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University
1991 - St. Petersburg State University


It is disputed by the university administration whether Saint Petersburg State University or Moscow State University is the oldest higher education institution in Russia. While the latter was established in 1755, the former, which has been in continuous operation since 1819, claims to be the successor of the university established along with the Academic Gymnasium and the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences on 24 January 1724, by a decree of Peter the Great.

Between 1804 and 1819, Saint Petersburg University officially did not exist; the institution founded by Peter the Great, the Saint Petersburg Academy, had been disbanded, because the new 1803 charter of the Academy of Sciences stipulated that there should be no educational institutions affiliated with it.

The Petersburg Pedagogical Institute, renamed the Main Pedagogical Institute in 1814, was established in 1804 and occupied a part of the Twelve Collegia building. On 8 February 1819 (O.S.), Alexander I of Russia reorganized the Main Pedagogical Institute into Saint Petersburg University, which at that time consisted of three faculties: Faculty of Philosophy and Law, Faculty of History and Philology and Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The Main Pedagogical Institute (where Dmitri Mendeleev studied) was restored in 1828 as an educational institution independent of Saint Petersburg University and trained teachers until it was finally closed in 1859.


Main article: Saint Petersburg Imperial University
In 1821, the university was renamed Saint Petersburg Imperial University. In 1823, most of the university moved from the Twelve Collegia to the southern part of the city beyond the Fontanka. In 1824, a modified version of the charter of Moscow University was adopted as the first charter of the Saint Petersburg Imperial University. In 1829, there were 19 full professors and 169 full-time and part-time students at the university. In 1830, Tsar Nicholas returned the entire building of the Twelve Collegia to the university, and courses resumed there.

In 1835, a new Charter of the Imperial Universities of Russia was approved. It provided for the establishment of the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of History and Philology, and the Faculties of Physics and Mathematics, which were merged into the Faculty of Philosophy as the 1st and 2nd Departments, respectively.

In 1849, after the Spring of Nations, the Senate of the Russian Empire decreed the Rector should be appointed by the Minister of National Enlightenment rather than elected by the Assembly of the university. However, Pyotr Pletnyov was reappointed as Rector and ultimately became the longest-serving rector of Saint Petersburg University (1840–1861).

In 1855, Oriental studies were separated from the Faculty of History and Philology, and the fourth faculty, Faculty of Oriental Languages, was formally inaugurated on 27 August 1855.

In 1859–1861, female part-time students could attend lectures in the university. In 1861, there were 1,270 full-time and 167 part-time students in the university, of them 498 were in the Faculty of Law, the largest subdivision. But this subdivision had the cameral studies department, where students learnt safety, occupational health and environmental engineering management and science, including chemistry, biology, agronomy along with law and philosophy. Many Russian, Georgian etc. managers, engineers and scientists studied at the Faculty of law therefore. During 1861–1862, there was student unrest in the university, and it was temporarily closed twice during the year. The students were denied freedom of assembly and placed under police surveillance, and public lectures were forbidden. Many students were expelled. After the unrest, in 1865, only 524 students remained.

A decree of the Emperor Alexander II of Russia adopted on 18 February 1863, restored the right of the university assembly to elect the rector. It also formed the new faculty of the theory and history of art as part of the faculty of history and philology.

In March 1869, student unrest shook the university again but on a smaller scale. By 1869, 2,588 students had graduated from the university.

In 1880, the Ministry of National Enlightenment forbade students to marry and married persons could not be admitted. In 1882, another student unrest took place in the university. In 1884, a new Charter of the Imperial Russian Universities was adopted, which granted the right to appoint the rector to the Minister of National Enlightenment again. On 1 March 1887 (O.S.), a group of the university students was arrested while planning an attempt on the life of Alexander III of Russia. As a result, new admission rules to gymnasiums and universities were approved by the Minister of National Enlightenment Ivan Delyanov in 1887, which barred persons of non-noble origin from admission to the university, unless they were extraordinarily talented.

By 1894, 9,212 students had graduated from the university. Among the renowned scholars of the second half of the 19th century, affiliated with the university were mathematician Pafnuty Chebyshev, physicist Heinrich Lenz, chemists Dmitri Mendeleev and Aleksandr Butlerov, embryologist Alexander Kovalevsky, physiologist Ivan Sechenov and pedologist Vasily Dokuchaev. On 24 March 1896 (O.S.), on the campus of the university, Alexander Popov publicly demonstrated transmission of radio waves for the first time in history.

As of 1 January 1900 (O.S.), there were 2,099 students enrolled in the Faculty of Law, 1,149 students in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, 212 students in the Faculty of Oriental Languages and 171 students in the Faculty of History and Philology. In 1902, the first student dining hall in Russia was opened in the university.

Since about 1897, regular strikes and student unrest shook the university and spread to other institutions of higher education across Russia. During the Revolution of 1905, the charter of the Russian universities was amended once more; the autonomy of the universities was partially restored and the right to elect the rector was returned to the academic board for the first time since 1884. In 1905–1906, the university was temporarily closed due to student unrest. Its autonomy was revoked again in 1911. In the same year, the university was once again temporarily closed.

In 1914, with the start of the First World War, the university was renamed Petrograd Imperial University after its namesake city. During the War, the university was the important center of mobilization of Russian intellectual resources and scholarship for the victory. In 1915, a branch of the university was opened in Perm, which later became Perm State University.


The Assembly of Petrograd Imperial University openly welcomed the February Revolution of 1917, which put an end to the Russian monarchy, and the university came to be known as Petrograd University. However, after the October Revolution of 1917, the university's staff and administration were initially vocally opposed to the Bolshevik takeover of power and reluctant to cooperate with the Narkompros. Later in 1917–1922, during the Russian Civil War, some of the staff suspected of counter-revolutionary sympathies suffered imprisonment (e.g., Lev Shcherba in 1919), execution, or exile abroad on the so-called Philosophers' ships in 1922 (e.g., Nikolai Lossky). Furthermore, the entire staff suffered from hunger and extreme poverty during those years.

In 1918, the university was renamed 1st Petrograd State University, and in 1919, the Narkompros merged it with the 2nd PSU (former Psychoneurological Institute) and 3rd PSU (former Bestuzhev Higher Courses for Women) into Petrograd State University. In 1919, the Faculty of Social Science was established by the Narkompros instead of the Faculty of History and Philology, Faculty of Oriental Languages and Faculty of Law. Nicholas Marr became the first Dean of the new faculty. Chemist Alexey Favorsky became the Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Rabfaks and free university courses were opened on the basis of the university to provide mass education.

In the fall of 1920, as observed by freshman student Alice Rosenbaum, enrollment was open and the majority of the students were anti-communist including, until removed, a few vocal opponents of the regime. Seeing they were educating "class enemies", a purge was conducted in 1922 based on the class background of the students, and all students, other than seniors, with a bourgeois background were expelled.

In 1924, the university was renamed Leningrad State University after its namesake city. In order to suppress intellectual opposition to Soviet power, a number of historians working in the university, including Sergey Platonov, Yevgeny Tarle and Boris Grekov, were imprisoned in the so-called Academic Affair of 1929–1930 on fabricated charges of participating in a counter-revolutionary conspiracy aimed at overthrowing the government. Some other members of the staff were repressed in 1937–1938 during the Great Purge.

During the 1941–1944 Siege of Leningrad in World War II, many of the students and staff died from starvation, in battles or from repressions. However, the university operated continuously, and evacuated to Saratov in 1942–1944. A branch of the university was hosted in Yelabuga during the war. In 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union awarded the university with the Order of Lenin on the occasion of its 125th anniversary and for its contribution to science and culture.

In 1948, the Council of Ministers named the university after Andrei Zhdanov, a recently deceased prominent communist official. This decision was revoked in 1989 during Perestroika.

In 1949–1950, several professors died in prison during the investigation of the Leningrad Affair fabricated by the central Soviet leadership, and the Minister of Education of the RSFSR, former rector Alexander Voznesensky, was executed.

In 1966, the Council of Ministers decided to build a new suburban campus in Petrodvorets for most of the mathematics and natural science faculties. The relocation of the faculties had been completed by the 1990s.

In 1969, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union awarded the university with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour.

In 1991, the university was renamed back to Saint Petersburg State University after its namesake city.

Если в вашем генеалогическом древе есть люди, которые учились или были преподавателями в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете, пожалуйста, добавьте их в этот GENI проект. Желательно если бы в описании профиля была добавлена краткая биография.

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Санкт-Петербу́ргский госуда́рственный университе́т — один из старейших, крупнейших и ведущих классических университетов.

Университет богат своей историей и по сей день сохраняет статус одного из лидирующих вузов страны. На данный момент в СПбГУ насчитывается более 5 тысяч преподавателей и более 20 тысяч студентов. Главное здание университета — здание Двенадцати коллегий — расположено на Университетской набережной.


Вопрос о дате основания университета вызвал бурные обсуждения.

Согласно одному мнению, поддерживаемому первоначально только ленинградскими историками, современный СПбГУ — преемник Академического университета, который был учреждён одновременно с Академией наук указом Петра I от 28 января (8 февраля) 1724 года (в частности, в 1758—1765 годах ректором Академического университета был М. В. Ломоносов). В настоящее время эта версия официально принята руководством университета и государства.

Согласно же другой версии, поддерживавшейся как в дореволюционной, так и в позднейшей историографии, современный СПбГУ — преемник Санкт-Петербургского университета, который был создан в 1819 году в результате переименования и последующей реорганизации Главного педагогического института, ведущего свою историю от Учительской семинарии, основанной в 1786 году. За дату основания в этом случае принимается 8 (20) февраля 1819 года, стоящая на докладе министра духовных дел и народного просвещения князя А. Н. Голицына, озаглавленном «Об учреждении Университета в Санкт-Петербурге» и содержащем проект «Первоначальное образование С.-Петербургского Университета», составленный попечителем Санкт-Петербургского учебного округа, действительным статским советником С. С. Уваровым.

Официальные названия
Первое время университет жил по Уставу Главного педагогического института, пока 4 (16) января 1824 года в нём не был введён в действие изменённый по обстоятельствам Устав Московского университета. 31 октября (12 ноября) 1821 года Санкт-Петербургскому университету было присвоено звание Императорского.

Университет менял свои официальные названия:

1819 — Санкт-Петербургский университет
1821 — Императорский Санкт-Петербургский университет
1914 — Императорский Петроградский университет
1917 — Петроградский университет
1918 — Первый Петроградский университет
1919 — Петроградский университет
1921 — Петроградский государственный университет
1924 — Ленинградский государственный университет
1933 — Ленинградский государственный университет имени А. С. Бубнова
1937 — Ленинградский государственный университет
1944 — Ленинградский ордена Ленина государственный университет
1948 — Ленинградский ордена Ленина государственный университет имени А. А. Жданова
1969 — Ленинградский ордена Ленина и ордена Трудового Красного Знамени государственный университет имени А. А. Жданова
1989 — Ленинградский ордена Ленина и ордена Трудового Красного Знамени государственный университет
1991 — Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

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Studentai iš Lietuvos

19 amžiaus pabaigoje–20 amžiaus pradžioje universitete dėstė K. Būga, studijavo apie 100 lietuvių, tarp jų – P. Aravičius, P. Avižonis, J. Balčikonis, K. V. Banaitis, J. G. Beržanskis‑Klausutis, Vaclovas Biržiška, Viktoras Biržiška, J. Byla, P. Bugailiškis, M. Bukša, A. Bulota, V. Čepinskis, J. Čiurlys, S. Dagilis, J. Dalinkevičius, I. Končius, J. Krikščiūnas, J. Kriščiūnas, J. Liūdžius, S. Lukauskas, J. Lukoševičius, S. Narutavičius, M. Pečiulionis, M. Petrauskas, K. Petrauskas, L. Prūseika, A. Purėnas, A. Smetona (Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentas), J. Sondeckis, B. Sruoga, K. Šakenis, J. Šernas, S. Šimkus, J. Šliūpas, R. Šliūpas, J. Uborevičius, J. Vabalas‑Gudaitis, P. Vaičaitis, A. Vileišis, J. Vileišis, V. Vilkaitis, P. Višinskis, A. Voldemaras, T. S. Vrublevskis, V. Zubovas.

1892 įsikūrė Peterburgo lietuvių studentų draugija. Kai kurie Sankt Peterburgo universiteto lietuviai studentai suartėjo su rusų ir lenkų revoliucionieriais. J. Bielskis, J. Lukoševičius dalyvavo organizacijos Narodnaja volia veikloje. M. Pečiulionis nuo 1908 studijuodamas Sankt Peterburgo universiteto Fizikos ir matematikos fakultete dalyvavo slaptoje lietuvių Studentų mokslo draugijėlės veikloje (jo nariai buvo J. Krikščiūnas, J. Kriščiūnas, V. Vilkaitis ir kiti).

SSRS okupacijos metais universitete kasmet studijavo apie 30 studentų iš Lietuvos, iš jų – A. Dziegoraitis, D. Grybauskaitė (Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentė), K. Motieka, Z. Petrauskas.