South-African POETS IN YOUR family ?
Feel Welcome to help to find more of them in the global-GENI-tree or add them yourself if you know enough about their ancestry or descency to get a link to already existing family-members! And if you have experience in working with projects you are also very welcome in the team. BUT: please do not destroy the laypout of this page, for it takes a lot of work to sustain it the way it was ment to be... We are ready to learn you how to do it, but if you not sure enough, you can use this discussion-line to alert us we have to put a new one in the alphabet....
NotaBene! The mentioned WikiPedia-pages ---sorry, only in AFRIKANER or DUTCH, seek for other languages yourself, please--- are ONLY to help you find e/o documentate the proflle-pages of the poets itself. As soon as one of the list has his/her well documented place in the GLOBAL-geni-TREE we ask you to link the profile and the redaction-team of this page can remove that information here.
This list includes poets who write in Afrikaner, Dutch, Gaelic e/o English.
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaanse_literatuur#:~:text=Brink%2....
- https://www.dbnl.org/letterkunde/zuidafrika/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:South_African_male_poetss
- ...supplements welcome!
- Lionel ABRAHAMS ‧ 1928-2004 ‧
- Fu'ad Nasif ALIAS : Tatamkhulu AFRIKA ‧ 1920-2002 ‧
- Mike ALFRED ‧ x ‧
- Tyrone APPOLLIS ‧ 1957 ‧
- Hendrik Christoffel Lourens 'Hennie' AUCAMP ‧ 1934-2014 ‧
- Frank Kojo BAFFOE ‧ 1972 ‧
- James Richard Abe BAILEY ‧ 1919-2000 ‧
- Shabbir BANOOBHAI ‧ 1949 ‧
- Sinclair BEILES ‧ 1930-2000 ‧
- Pirow BEKKER ‧ 1935 ‧
- Ronald Kenneth 'Ronnie' BELCHER ‧ 1933-2006 ‧
- Robert BEROLD ‧ 1948 ‧
- Roy BLUMENTHAL ‧ 1968 ‧
- Omoseye BOLAJI ‧ 1964-2022 ‧
- Breyten BREYTENBACH ‧ 1939 ‧
- Floris Abraham BROWN ‧ 1948 ‧
- Dennis Vincent BRUTUS ‧ 1924-2009 ‧
- Frederick Guy BUTLER ‧ 1918-2001 ‧
- Robert Newton CALVERT ‧ 1945-1988 ‧
- Ignatius Royston Dunnachie 'Roy' CAMPBELL ‧ 1901-1957 ‧
- Robert Knox 'Jack' COPE ‧ 1913-1991 ‧
- Hendrika Salomina 'Rika' CILLIERS ‧ 1951-1999 ‧
- Theunis Theodorus ALIAS: T.T. CLOETE ‧ 1924-2015 ‧
- Patrick Roland CULLINAN ‧ 1932-2011 ‧
- Gary CUMMISKEY ‧ 1963 ‧
- Sheila CUSSONS ‧ 1922-2004 ‧
tot hier aangevuld!
- Achmat DANGOR ‧ 1948-2020 ‧
- Charles Jonathan 'Jonty' DRIVER ‧ 1939-2023 ‧
- Robert St Clair DEDERICK ‧ 1919-1983 ‧
- Sandile DIKENI ‧ 1966-2019 ‧
- Modikwe DIKOBE alias for Marks RAMMITLOA ‧ 1913-2005 ‧
- Angifi Proctor DLADLA ‧ 1950-2020 ‧
- John EPPEL ‧ 1947 ‧
- Willem Jacobus du Plooy ERLAND alias EITEMAL ‧ 1901-1984 ‧
- Elisabeth Françoise EYBERS ‧ 1915-2007 ‧
- Vernon Alexander 'Vernie' FEBRUARY ‧ 1938-2002 ‧
- Hugh "Gus" FERGUSON ‧ 1940-2020 ‧
- Jeanne GOOSEN ‧ 1938-2020 ‧
- Keith Gottschalk ‧ ‧
- William Wellington Gqoba ‧ ‧
- Stephen Gray ‧ ‧
- Mafika Gwala ‧ ‧
- Joan Helene HAMBIDGE ‧ 1956 ‧
- Christopher Hope ‧ ‧
- Peter Horn ‧ ‧
- Allan Kolski Horwitz ‧ ‧
- Alan James ‧ ‧
- Theo W. Jandrell ‧ ‧
- Wopko Jensma ‧ ‧
- Ingrid JONKER ‧ 1933-1965 ‧
- Aryan KAGANOF / Ian KERKHOF ‧ 1964 ‧
- Ronelda KAMFER ‧ 1981 ‧
- Olga Gillis-KIRSCH ‧ 1924-1997 ‧
- Uys KRIGE ‧ 1910-1987 ‧
- Anna Elizabeth Samuel 'Antjie' Samuel-KROG ‧ 1952 ‧
- Christoffel Hermanus KÜHN alias MIKRO ‧ 1903-1968 ‧
- Keorapetse KGOSITSILE ‧ ‧
- Mbongeni KHUMALO ‧ ‧
- Syd KITCHEN ‧ ‧
- Rustum KOZAIN ‧ ‧
- Johann de LANGE ‧ ‧
- Cornelis Jacobus LANGENHOVEN ‧ 1873-1932 ‧
- Christian Frederik Louis 'C. Louis' LEIPOLDT ‧ 1880-1947 ‧
- Duncan LIVINGSTONE / Donnchadh MacDHUNLÈIBHE ‧ 1877-1964 ‧
- Mandla LANGA ‧ ‧
- Eugène Nielen MARAIS ‧ 1871-1936 ‧
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugène_Marais
- Kirby van der MERWE ‧ 196x ‧
- Don Maclennan ‧ ‧
- Lucas Malan ‧ ‧
- D. F. Malherbe ‧ ‧
- Chris Mann ‧ ‧
- Zakes Mda ‧ ‧
- Execution of Benjamin Moloise ‧ ‧
- D. C. F. Moodie ‧ ‧
- Kobus Moolman ‧ ‧
- Seitlhamo Motsapi ‧ ‧
- Samuel Edward Krune Mqhayi ‧ ‧
- Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali ‧ ‧
- J.J. Ncongwane ‧ ‧
- Arthur Nortje ‧ ‧
- Sibusiso Nyembezi ‧ ‧
- Diederik Johannes 'Dirk' OPPERMAN ‧ 1914-1985 ‧
- Sydney Vernon PETERSEN ‧ 1914-1987 ‧
- Koos du PLESSIS ‧ 1945-1984 ‧
- Izak David du PLESSIS ‧ 1900-1981 ‧
- Phil du PLESSIS ‧ 1944-2011 ‧
- William PLOMER ‧ ‧
- N.S. PULENG ‧ ‧
- Adam SMALL ‧ 1936-2016 ‧
- Carellina Pieternella 'Lina' SPIES ‧ 1939 ‧
- Wilma Johanna STOCKENSTRÖM ‧ 1933 ‧
- Eugène Ney TERRE'BLANCHE ‧ 1941-2010 ‧
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugène_Terre%27Blanche
- Jacobus Daniël du TOIT ‧ 1877-1953 ‧
- Nathan TRANTAAL ‧ 1983 ‧
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- Gert VLOK NEL ‧ 1963 ‧
- Phillip Wouter de VOS ‧ 1939 ‧
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- Nicolaas Petrus van WYK LOUW ‧ 1906-1970 ‧
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- Bonginkosi DLAMINI alias ZOLA 7 ‧ 1977 ‧
- Wium van ZYL ‧ 1948 ‧