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Sussex - Genealogical Resources

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Sussex Genealogical Resources

Image Right - The Keep East Sussex Record Office, Brighton

The purpose of this project is to outline the regional resources available for research in Sussex, both geographical/physical and online.

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Please add links to any resources you find in the appropriate sections below.

Resource Centres - Repositories

  • The Keep is a world-class centre for archives that opens up access to all the collections of the East Sussex Record Office (ESRO), the Royal Pavilion & Museums Local History Collections and the internationally significant University of Sussex Special Collections.
  • West Sussex Record Office details - Web Page

Local Family and Local History Societies


  • Sussex Record Society
  • The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex This site catalogues the people, places, maps, drawings, engravings, books, writings and numerous lists and directories that are over 70 years old into an integrated database of information about The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex. In addition, the site and its many contributors have derived extensive familial relationships and pedigrees which can be of great use for genealogical study and research. Where appropriate, the viewer should verify the information presented by consulting the original sources that are noted at every point on this site.
  • Online Parish Clerks - Sussex

Research Guides

Historical documents

History of Sussex Communities


Historical Resources publications


Professional Researchers

Please add researchers who you have tried and can recommend.

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