Collaboration Requestors We are good as we completed the project. Please follow. Thank you.
The trek doesn't start at Edisto Island. It starts with the sister project, "The Not Lost Colony" of whose names are in the avatar picture of this group.
Transfer Community Timeline Project with Linking Profiles. Work in progress. Will go from Edisto Island over to Ok Choctaw and trek through Bogue Chitto. Will take a few months. Will add pictures and videos along the way.
Goal Here: Start a timeline of those coming from east to west.
Starts here....William Hickman and we see the Carratuck Algonquian Native tithable community which has connection to its founder, William Claiborne, founder of said Colony in 1630 and the jealous neighbors burned it down on Claibornes trip to England. They rebuilt and the treks to many places but mostly NOLA port is where Smith of Purton took the goods from this colony. The Winya Bay and Edisto Islands would then be well known to this group whose Hickmans' appear to come straight from England to Edisto Island, SC; but, there were connections back to pre-Brittish. How do we know? The AM State Papers of Spanish West Florida. Why does that matter? It matters because his descendant Lucy fille Mvtvbe' is making good on her family claims of the area, and making good on Bogue Chitto River of what is now La and MS.
Also Starts Here. Profile of the Turner sir named progenitors marrying into the Choctaw.... ( John Turner, of the Chief Men of the Cheroenhaka ) The "Turner Indians" were the appealants of the DuRant's OK Nation courts for not being allowed membership when proving that Indian agent Ward did not turn in their applications. Finally, the court allowed Nancy Turner entry into the OK Nation of Choctaw.
Also Starts Here. Profile of the Coopers of the Spanish Land Claimant D/O = "descendants of " Abraham Cuper
And the Non Jewish Lawyer of the Blackwater transfer community helping the Cheroenhaka portion of the ultimate Bogue Chitto River area meetup was ( put Dennis McClendon's URL here).
Edisto SC to Collins, MS Collins Transfer Communals; Evan Ellzey
SC Copeland family and the Lewis Plantation on the Waggamaw River met up with former indentured Pounds brothers displaced Monocan & Cheraw of Hanover Co, NC and following their indentures til age 21 with land flips resulting in Honey Swamp SC Waccamaw area and with Nottoway to NOLA guide, IT Agent "Choctaw Bill". Descendants making good on former Spanish claims were all neighbors in Bogue Chitto Band of Choctaw land and awaited personal reservations from Andrew Jackson which did happen for most unless they applied to OK Nation. Some fell through the gaps and had not way to remove nor personal reservation and were in squatter rights areas of which are on record as to whom and where these folks were in the AM State Papers section on said squatters section.
Cheraw, MS Diaspora Community Reunited. Incoming Burke Co Ga "Old Churrah" Regulators met up with their Marion's Raider kin who went the route of Kingston Co, SC and met up in Cheraw, MS as a unique and continuous community who generationally called themselves, "Old Cheraw".