There are already 571 users and over 15,989 genealogy profiles with the Frazier surname on Geni. Explore Frazier genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA. DAR Ancestor # A041937 Aaron Frazier (1745-1778) is the son of Alexander Frazier (1718-1758) and Phoebe Elliot. He was born November 15, 1745 in C...
Alexander Frazier, 4th Lord Fraser of Lovat (C. 1527 – 1557) – First encountered a change in surname spellingAlexander Frazier* became the 4th Lord Fraser of Lovat after the death of both his father, 3...
Actress. A blonde character actor, she usually portrayed brassy sidekicks or tough businesswomen. She appeared in the films "Murder a la Mod" (1968), "The Wedding Party" (1969), "Moment by Moment" (197...
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