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This project's purpose is to keep track of Yoders (Joders/Jotters/Yotters) with source data in hopes of untangling some of the tangle.

Profiles that belong to this project must fit at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Yoder as the surname or maiden name
  2. Yoder spouse
  3. recorded in Yoder genealogical data (e.g. children of Yoder mothers)

Further, the profiles must have source documents uploaded using Geni's Add Documents tool and cited in the sources section of the profile (see below for a step-by-step on this process). Profiles that meet at least one of the above requirements but lack sources can be added to the related subproject, The Yoder Project: Profiles Needing Sources, until they are ready for transfer to the main project.

After a profile has been added to this project, please add the following (in bold formatting) to the top of the About Me section:

Please do not make changes to the data in this profile without first citing an uploaded document (or uploading a document and citing it) using Geni's tools.

This will help us make sure that the profiles remain consistent with the source material.

Inconsistencies and conflicting data are expected. Documenting the information's sources will, one hopes, aid in explaining discrepancies.

Citing a source document:

  1. Upload a document to the media section of the profile. If the document is already uploaded, simply select it from the list of available documents.
  2. In the sources section of the profile, choose "Add source".
  3. Select a document from the list that loads.
  4. In the next step, select the information that your source provides. If your source includes more than one piece of information (e.g. first name, last name, and married last name) make sure to choose all of those.