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  • Astraeus (deceased)
  • Leto - - Latona (deceased)
    In Greek mythology, Lētṓ (Greek: Λητώ, Λατώ, Lato in Dorian Greek, etymology and meaning disputed) is a daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe: Kos claimed her birthplace. In the Olympian scheme of th...
  • Eos Dawn - Aurora (-1260 - d.)
    Eos (Greek Ἠώς, or Ἕως "dawn") is, in Greek mythology, the Titanic goddess[1] of the dawn, who rose from her home at the edge of Oceanus, the Ocean that surrounds the world, to herald her brother Helio...
  • Helios (deceased)
    In Greek mythology the sun was personified as Helios (pronounced /ˈhiliˌɑs/) (Greek: Ἥλιος, Latinized as Helius). Homer often calls him simply Titan or Hyperion, while Hesiod (Theogony 371) and the Hom...



The most important of the Titan gods were the twelve Uranides (Cronus, Oceanus, Iapetus, Hyperion, Crius, Coeus, Rhea, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Themis and Mnemosyne) and the four Iapetionides (Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius). Of these only the eight depicted below appear in ancient art.

12 Titanes - Uranides

THE TITANES were six elder gods named Kronos, Koios, Krios, Iapetos, Hyperion and Okeanos, sons of Ouranos (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), who ruled the cosmos before the Olympians came to power.

The sisters of the six Titanes--Rhea, Theia, Mnemosyne, Themis and Tethys--were titled Titanides (or female Titanes). Many of their sons and daughters also received the appelation of Titan including Atlas, Prometheus and Helios.

When their father was king he imprisoned six giant brothers of the Titanes--the Kyklopes and Hekatonkheires--in the belly of Earth. Gaia was incensed and incited her Titan sons to rebel. Led by Kronos, five of the six brothers, laid an ambush for their father, seizing hold of him as he descended to lie upon Earth. Four of them--Hyperion, Krios, Koios and Iapetos--were posted at the four corners of the earth to hold Sky fast, while Kronos in the centre castrated him with an adamantine sickle. After they had seized control of the cosmos, the Titanes released their storm giant brothers from Gaia's belly, only to lock them away shortly afterwards in the pit of Tartaros.

4 Iapetionides


Many of the children and grandchildren of the Titans also bore the name of Titan. These included the Hyperionides (Helius, Selene and Eos), the Coeides (Leto, Asteria and Hecate) and the Creionides (Pallas, Astraeus and Perses). The last three were obscure and do not appear in ancient art.




Other Titans and Titanesses

ADANUS (Adanos) An alternate name for one of the elder Titan sons of Uranus.

ANDES An alternate name for one of the elder Titan sons of Uranus. He was perhaps the same as Hyperion.

ANCHIALE (Ankhiale) A younger Titan goddess who perhaps represented the warmth of fire. She was the wife of Hecaterus and hte mother of the metal-working Dactyli.

ANYTUS (Anytos) One of the younger Titans or Curetes. Anytus was an attendant of the goddess Demeter who fostered her Arcadian daughter Despoine.

ASTERIA A younger Titan goddess whose name and genealogy suggest presided over the night, stars and nocturnal prophecy. She was the mother of the goddess Hecate. After the fall of the Titans Asteria was pursued by Zeus and but leapt into the sea to escape him where she was transformed into the island of Delos.

ASTRAEUS (Astraios) The younger Titan god of the stars, the winds, and the art of astrology. He was the father of the four directional winds and the five wandering stars (the Planeta) by his wife Eos, the goddess of the dawn.

ATLAS The younger Titan god of astronomy and the revolution of the heavnely constellations. He was arrested by Zeus and condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders. Homer suggests he was later released from this torment and appointed guardian of the pillars of heaven.

AURA The younger Titanis-goddess of the breezes. She was a virgin huntress raped by the god Dionysos.

CLYMENE (Klymene) The younger Titanis-goddess of fame and renown. She was the wife of Iapetos and mother of Prometheus.

CURETES (Kouretes) A group of shield clashing Daemones or Titan gods who came to the aid of Rhea to act as guardians of her son Zeus. They were sometimes called Gigantes, and were probably the same as those which Hesiod described as being born from the castration of Uranus. Their sisters, the Meliae, were Zeus' nurses.

DIONE A prophetic Titan-goddess who presided over the Oracle at Dodona alongside Zeus. According to some she was the mother of the goddess Aphrodite.

EURYBIA A Titan goddess of the power of the sea. She was the wife of the Uranid Crius.

EURYNOME (1) The younger Titan-goddess of earth's flowery meadows. She was the mother of the three lovely Graces by Zeus.

EURYNOME (2) The younger Titan-goddess of the earth's meadows. She was the wife of the first Titan-King Ophion. The couple were cast from heaven by Cronus and Rhea who wrestled them for the throne. This Eurynome may have been the same as Tethys.

GIGANTES The War of the Giants and its combatants the Gigantes were frequently confounded by the ancients with the Titans and the Titan War. Sometimes the Gigantes were represented as soldiers in the army of the Titan-gods, or as rebellious supporters of the deposed Titan Cronus.

HOPLODAMUS (Hoplodamos) A Titan, Giant or Curete who with his brothers came to the aid of the Titaness Rhea after Cronus learnt of her deceptions surrounding the birth of Zeus.

LELANTOS The Titan god of the breezes of the air. His name means "the unnoticed" or "unseen one".

MEGAMEDES Another name for the Titan Crios, meaning "the great lord."

MELISSEUS The Titan or Curete god of honey. He was one of the protectors of the infant Zeus. His daughters were the god's nurses.

METIS The younger Titan-goddess of good counsel. She was an ally of Zeus in the Titan War who fed Cronus an elixir which forced him to disgorge his five devoured children. Later she was swallowed whole by Zeus who had learned that a son born of their union was destined to depose him. Their only child was instead a daughter, Athena, who sprang fully grown from her father's head.

MUSES ELDER (Mousai) Three Titan goddesses of music and song. One of them, Mneme (Memory), was the mother of the nine younger Muses by Zeus.

MYLINUS (Mylinos) A Titan or Giant of the island of Crete who was destroyed by Zeus. His name means "he of the grinding millstone," and he was perhaps the same as Cronus "time."

OLYMBRUS (Olymbros) An alternate name for one of the elder Titan. He may be the same as Olympus the Cretan mentor of Zeus.

OLYMPUS (Olympus) A Cretan Titan or Giant who mentored Zeusin his youth. He later roused his kin in an uprisal against the god but was destroyed. Olympos (whose name may derive from a word meaning eternal time) was perhaps the same as Cronus or Olymbrus.

OPHION The eldest of the Titan gods whose brother Cronus wrestled him for the throne of heaven and cast him down into the Ocean-stream. He was probably the same as Oceanus, or perhaps Uranus.

OSTASUS An alternative name for one of the Titan sons of Uranus.

PHORCYS (Phorkys) The old man of the sea was sometimes named as one of the six Titan sons of Uranus.

POLUS (Polos) The Titan god of the axis of heaven ("polos"). He was usually called Coeus.

STYX The younger Titan-goddess of oaths of allegiance and of the deadly, netherworld River Styx. She brought her children Victory, Rivalry, Force and Power to the side of Zeus at the start of the Titan-War.

SYCEUS (Sykeus) A Titan or giant who fled from Zeus in the course of their war against the gods. He was hidden by his mother in the earth in the guise of a fig tree or its sprouting seed.

TITAN A Titan god who instructed mankind in the observation of the stars and establishment of the natural or farming calendar. He was perhaps the same as Atlas.