There have been attempts in previous centuries to link the Bogart family to the kings of Holland via Edvardus Bogardus' wife Anneke Jans by making her the child of a Wolfert Webber.
George O. Zabriskie concludes his article with the statement (regarding the disproved notion of a royal ancestry for Anneke Jans), "Predictably, those of extreme bias and ineptitude, while basking vicariously in 'fame and fortune' will refuse to accept this and all other evidence contrary to the legendary fairytale." Despite the fact that this article was first published thirty-nine years ago, you can still find "family trees" and other accounts online that claim Anneke Jans as a descendant of William the Silent.
Zabriskie very clearly debunks the fantastic (even idiotic) notion that Anneke Jans was somehow a illegitimate daughter or granddaughter of William I, "the Silent," Prince of Orange, Stradtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht and Friesland (1544-1584), who was born in 1533. The article also clearly demonstrates that Anneke Jans was not a member of the Webber family in any way, and uses the church records of Amsterdam to reconstruct the inter-related Webber, Cocks, Wallis and Selyns families.