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Your first name is … Myriam? … and you like to know

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more about it in the future or the past?

Here is an interesting way of googling names for Boys e/o GIRLS when you want to know why your parents choose your's: So Myriam is just an example of the way you can try to get some insight in the meaning of names u.s.w. Parents who are expecting their first child have a lot of puzzling wheter is will be the name of the father of the mother or the grandmummy of the oldest father with the same names.... so please try yourself, for I'm only interested in Herman's name, my fathers to be true.


first names beginning with a …


  • ~Adina~Ad-et.Cetera~
  • ~Andree~Andrea~Andrew~Andries~
  • ~Ann~Anneke~
  • ~


  • BALtje ~ Balt ~ BALthasar ~ BALthazar ~
  • BEAtrice ~ BEAtrix ~ BEAtrijs ~ BEAtrut ~
  • BIetc.

— C—

  • Caspar~Casper~
  • Christina~Cristina~Crista~Krista~Kristina~
  • Cornelia~Cornelie~Corry~Corrie~Neeltje~Nelia~


  • DAphne ~ DAMian ~
  • DEirdre ~
  • DIANa ~ DIANe ~ DIANi ~ DIANo ~
  • DIEde ~ DIEderik ~ DIEntje ~ DIE
  • DOnald
  • DUck
  • D


  • EDUard ~ Eddy ~ Eddie ~
  • ELIane ~
  • ELIsabeth ~ Elizabeth ~ Elise ~ Elsje ~ Elisabeth ~ Elise ~

—F : ♀-♁— —

  • Franklin~Frank~
  • Frere~Frater~etc.
  • —G : ♀-♁— —
  • George~
  • Gertrude~

—H : ♀-♁— —H : ♁-♂—

  • HAns~HANSje-&-Grietje-
  • HEnk~HEin~HEndrik~
  • HER-man ~ HER-mania ~ HER-MAN-us ~ HER-man-nus ~ HER-MAN ~ HER-mann~
  • HUBERTUS ~ Hubert ~

—I : ♀-♁—

  • Isabeau —I : ♁-♂—
  • Isaack~Isac~Isack~

—J : ♀-♁—

  • Janet~Jeanette~Jeanet~Jeannette~Yanet~Yeanet~
  • Jennie~Jenny~

—J : ♁-♂—

  • Jan~Johan~Janus~Jacobus~

—K : ♀-♁— —

  • Klaas~Kees~Koos~
  • Kroket~
  • Kenneth~

—L : ♀-♁— —

  • Leo~etc.~
  • Lineke~


  • Maria~Mariah~etcera
  • Mariebelle
  • Myriam~Miriam~Mirjam~Miriamme~
  • Moeders~


  • —O—


  • PHILIP ~ Philippus ~ etc.


  • —R—
  • —S—
  • —T—
  • —U—
  • —V—
  • —W—
  • —X—
  • —Y Z—

originally from Torah ?

  • Myriam: when there was a king who did not want a daughter to be born and her mother knew her to use the NILE in Egypt so she could escape till she was found by some stranger. next part of the story, I learned in 'zondagsschool' in Oosterhout, I think, for my parents where Not katholics, but as a protestant, vrijzinnig Hervormd hoorde je ook te weten hoe anderen eten als je ze aan tafel noodt.

to be continued as soon as I have found others to help me out to add more names in other languages as well.