The ship Zebra, 350 tons, Captain Dirk Meinerts Hahn, from Altona 12th August, Hamburg 21st August 1838, arrived at Holdfast Bay (Glenelg) 28th December 1838 & Port Adelaide, South Australia 2nd January 1839, Dr. Matheison, ships' surgeon and a crew of 16 men.
Along with 189 German Emigrants, it carried with it 100 barrels of pork, 100 barrels of flour, 2 boxes boots and shoes, 18 water casks & 40,924 bricks.
The Zebra Group - December 1838 The next group arrived in December 28, 1838, on the Zebra with Captain Dirk Meinhertz Hahn. Captain Hahn, assisted this group in acquiring land in the Adelaide Hills, where they settled Hahndorf.
The South Australian, Wednesday January 23rd, 1839
"The Zebra It affords us the most sincere pleasure to be enabled to publish the following gratifying testimony of the care and attention of Capt. Hahn, of the ship Zebra, recently from Hambro' to this colony. So much of the comfort and happiness of passengers depends upon the manner in which the captains of emigrant ships discharge their important duties, that no opportunity should be lost in testifying the approbation of the colonists wherever so fitting an occasion shall arise. To the Captain of the Prince George and Capt. Hahn of the Zebra, (both with emigrants from Germany) great praise is due for their uniform kindness and attention to those committed to their care, and we would suggest the propriety of the Commissioners granting a premium to those Captains who bring out emigrants and passengers with safety, and whose conduct has been so worthy of commendation.
City of Adelaide, South Australia 19th January, 1839."
In 1839 with assistance from the Zebra captain, DM Hahn, the village of Hahndorf was established in the Adelaide Hills.
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