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1820 Settlers - Greathead's Party

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  • Joshua John Davies, SV/PROG (1787 - 1847)
    Notice : British Settlers= Josiah Davies 33, Sawyer, together with his wife Sophia Devey 24, and their 2 children, were members of Greathead's Party of 20 Settlers on the Settler Ship Kennersley Castle .
  • Martha Bradfield (1820 - 1878)
    1820 British Settlers=Infant Sarah Davies , together with her parents and brother, were members of Greathead's Party of 20 Settlers on the Settler Ship Kennersley Castle .Party originated from Worceste...
  • Sophia Davies, SM/PROG (1796 - 1838)
    1820 British Settlers= Sophia Devey 24, together with her husband Josiah Davies 33, Sawyer, and their 2 children, were members of Greathead's Party of 20 Settlers on the Settler Ship Kennersley Castle ...
  • Daniel Davies (1816 - 1893)
    1820 British Settlers Daniel Davies 3, together with his parents and sister, were members of Greathead's Party of 20 Settlers on the Settler Ship Kennersley Castle . Party originated from Worcester...
  • William Greathead, Snr, (1799 - 1867)
    1820 British Settlers= William Greathead 20, farmer, was a member of his brother's Greathead's Party of 20 Settlers on the Settler Ship Kennersley Castle .Party originated from Worcestershire.Departed ...

Greathead's Party

1820 Settlers

Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence

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Party Details

  • Leader James Henry Greathead
  • Number 20
  • Area Party originated from Worcestershire
  • Area Allocated to the Party Tivia Dale, on the Bush River
  • 1820 Settler Ship

Kennersley Castle

  • Dates
  • Departure Bristol, 10 January 1820
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 29 March 1820
  • Final Port Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth, 29 April 1820

(Other parties on this voyage - Bradshaw, Holder, Philipps, Southey)

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No 22 on the Colonial Department list, led by James henry Greathead, a land surveyor of Dudley, Worcestershire. This was initially a proprietary party consisting of Greathead and his indentured servants, all recruited in Worcestershire, but it was joined at a late stage by John Hartell, an independent settler who piad his own deposit. Hartell was from Priestfield, near Bilston in Staffordshire, which lies within a 10-mile radius of both Dudley and Birmingham. His name had been included in the first list of the of the Birmingham parish overseers to lead a party of his own; they described him as a 'substantial yeoman' who was entitled to 'the full benefit and advantages offered by the 'emigration': a grant of land in his own name. Hartell was recommended to the Colonial Department by the Hon. Edward Moncton, son of Viscount Galway (and brother-in-law of another party leader, Major George Pigot). Hartell's arrangements to emigrate as leader of his own party fell through at the last minute, and he joined Greathead's party in the place of a man who had dropped out.

Deposits were paid for 10 men, and the party sailed in the Kennersley Castle which left Bristol on 10 January 1820 and reached table Bay on 29 March and Algoa Bay on 29 April. A daughter, Sarah, was born at sea to the wife of Josiah Davies. Greathead and Hartell's heavy baggage was shipped in the Sir George Osborn, but through oversight it was not off-loaded at Algoa bay and had to be re-freighted from England to the Cape in another vessel.

Greathead's party was located on an arm of the Bush Rver and its location was named Tivia Dale".

Members of Greathead's Party

[Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes]

William Bate 20. Navigator

William Brown 22. Gardener

William Collins 25. Farmer

Josiah Davies 33. Sawyer.

Wife Sophia Devey 24.

Children :

Daniel Davies 3
Sarah Davies (born at Sea). (Later married Richard Bradfield of Calton's Party.)

James Henry Greathead 24. Land surveyor.

Wife Martha Hewitt 20.

James Henry Greathead

William Greathead 20, Farmer (brother of Leader James Greathead)

John Hartell 54. Farmer and varnish maker.

Wife Mary 40

John Hartell 13
Emma Hartell 8

John Law 24 Farmer.

William Simmons 37. Weaver and army pensioner

NOTE: According to Special Commissioner Hayward's notes (Cape Archives CO 8541) William Simmons, who is listed in the Agent's Return as a member of Greathead's party, was an unofficial emigrant who was found on board the Kennersley Castle after she sailed, and attached himself to Bradshaw's party.

Samuel Wilks 25. Farmer

Charles James Pickman, Brewer

NOTE: Charles James Pickman, a brewer, who appears in colonial records as a member of Greathead's party, was not included in the Agent's Return, and may have been employed by Greathead after the party was located.

Main source for party list

  • Agent of Transports' Return of settlers under the direction of James Greathead (Cape Archives CO 6138/2,65).

Further Reading

Philipps, 1820 Settler, ed A Keppel-Jones (Pietermaritzburg, Shutter and Shooter, 1960) contains a description of the Kennersley Castle's voyage.

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