Submariner: : Warfare insignia:
Coachmen Including ... * Chaise Driver - drove a chaise - a two-wheeled open horse-drawn carriage for one or two persons* FlydriverThis is a universal project. Please add GENi profiles who were Coachmen to this project, whether "domestic" or other.A coachman was a man whose business it was to drive a coach, a horse-drawn vehicle designed for the conveyance of more than one passenger — and of ma...
A carter is a person who transports a load on a cart that is drawn by a beast of burden. The driver of a wagon might also be called teamster. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>this project is in HistoryLink
Move up to Armistead Name Study Christing date, Country , Parish, Plantations, ImmigrationYr, Marriage, ________ A Armistead William Mitchell, july 16 1816 (christing)() Armistead Mary () Armistead Charles () Armistead John () Armistead Mary Elizabeth () Mary Elizabeth () Armistead Constant () Armistead Richard Scudimore ,feb 4th 1785 (christing)() Armistead Catherine, Nov 15th 1772 () B ...
Cemetery notes and/or description: It's proper name is Church of Christ Cemetery, yet is is commonly known as the Eagle Lake Cemetery by the 'older folks'. Off US-17 on Cemetery Rd. south end ot town Eagle Lake Church Of Christ 265 N 3rd St, Eagle Lake, FL, 33839 +1(863)-293-2190 NOTE: There is a man in the Mathews Burial Plot that is not a member of the family.Moreover,the story is a man from ...