Genealogy Projects tagged with Croatians in the USA on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Croatians in the USA - Hrvati u SAD-u

    Summary The single largest wave of Croatian immigrants to the United States of America (about 400,000) came between 1890 and 1914. However the return migration to what is today Croatia was high. During this period 50% of migrant Croatians and Slovenes returned to their homeland, at least for a while. The earliest Croatian settlements in the United States were on the Gulf of Mexico and in Califo...

  • Gašparović family of Tribalj

    Two sons, Andrew Andrej and Michael Mihovij Gašparović left Tribalj for St. Louis as single men and worked in their stone mason trade a couple of years. Shortly after the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair they returned to Tribalj where Andrew met my grandmother, Ursula Domijan, who he married in 1906. In 1908, after the birth of his son, Andrew Gašparović Jr, Andrew and Michael returned to St Louis, ...