The single largest wave of Croatian immigrants to the United States of America (about 400,000) came between 1890 and 1914. However the return migration to what is today Croatia was high. During this period 50% of migrant Croatians and Slovenes returned to their homeland, at least for a while. The earliest Croatian settlements in the United States were on the Gulf of Mexico and in California. In the 1890s Croats began to arrive in New Mexico to work in the coal mines. The largest Croatian mining settlement between 1881 and 1914 was in the copper fields of Upper Michigan. At the turn of the century, Butte, Mont., had a major Croatian colony that included Slovenes and other Slavs involved in mining there. Later some of the Croats in this locality moved into other trades, ranching and restaurant operations. Hundreds from the Lika region settled in the Minnesota Iron Range, in Utah, Wyoming and other western states. After 1880 most of the Croatian immigrants came from the interior regions of Croatia proper, Slavonia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Many of these settled in the East and Midwest, especially around Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and in the metropolitan Chicago area. By the beginning of World War I, there were also sizable settlements in Ohio, Missouri and Indiana.
- Croats in the USA / Hrvati u SAD-u wiki
- Croats in the USA - American people of Croatian descent, list wikipedia
- Croatian Diaspora in the United States of America EN / Hrvatsko iseljeništvo u SAD-u HR
- Croatians in the US
- The third largest Slavic group in the USA
- The Diaspora
- Registar Hrvata izvan Hrvatske, Hr, En, De, Es - About Registry: The Central State Office for Croats Abroad has launched a pilot project for the creation of a Registry of Croats Abroad through which it fosters the connection of Croats all over the world as well as their connection to the homeland. The pilot phase of the project will be carried out from September to December 2018 and it will be primarily addressed to Croats from Argentina, Germany and the United States. Where you can use a search field here (for persons) and here (for subjects)
- Bezmalinović, Nikola (1895-1969)
- Biankini, Ante (1860-1934)
- Bijankini, Jurica (1894-1980)
- Cukela, Louis (1888-1956)
- Gabelich, Gary (1940-1984)
- Lučić, Ante aka Lucas, Anthony (1855-1921)
- Lusich, John Peter (1893-1963)
- Meštrović, Ivan (1883-1962)
- Perpich, Rudy (1928-1995)
- Ursić, Jakov (1897-1999)
- A guide to Croats in the USA PDF A list of Croats in the USA, mostly from the West Coast, the source is unknown, but probably comes from Eterovich
- People of Croatian Ancestry in the USA PDF a short document on the topic
- U sjevernoj Kaliforniji pronašli groblje našijenaca poginulih u rudnicima zlata