Head koostöölised, kes te liigute ringi erinevatel Eesti kalmistutel ja mujal maapiirkondades. Kui kohtate I MS's langenute monumenti, palun pildistage seda ja laadige foto siia projekti ülesse koos asukohainfoga. Hea oleks, kui pildilt on võimalik välja lugeda ka sõjameeste nimesid.====2014 möödus 100 aastat I maailmasõja algusest.==Sellest sõjast on kirjutatud raamatuid, siinkohal vaid väike ...
Det norske forsvaret tok ikke del i 1. verdenskrig (28. juli 1914 – 11. november 1918), men det trygget og vernet den nøytralitet som de norske statsmyndigheter med all makt søkte å hevde under vanskelige og farefulle forhold. Takket være en systematisk styrking av forsvaret gjennom flere år, hadde Norge under 1. verdenskrig en betydelig evne til å oppfylle folkerettens krav om at en nøytral st...
This project will collect the profiles of WW-1 New Zealand casualties and their next of kin. The profiles to be imported are created from New Zealand and World War One Roll of Honor . Casualties will be added also to project WW1 Roll of Honour - New Zealand .As the imported data concerning next of kin is free text and parsed automatically, some errors may be present in imported profiles for the...
This project will highlight British-born Blacks who fought in World War I.==Notables==Notable Black British soldiers in WWI include:* Second Lieutenant Walter Tull (1888-1918) who was one of the first Black British officers. His older brother, Sapper William Tull (1882-1920), appears to have also served in WWI (his records are missing) which raises the possibility that they are amongst the firs...