Genealogy Projects tagged with Hautaaminen on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Buried in Hietaniemi

    Hietaniemi cemetery is a cemetery located on the western edge of the inner city of Helsinki, which was founded in 1829. It is mainly located in the Lapinlahti sub-region, partly in Etu-Töölö. Hietaniemi cemetery is a popular tourist destination, as a considerable number of prominent figures in Finnish history have been buried there since the 1820s, including most of the late presidents of the r...

  • Buried in Kalevankangas

    Kalevankangas Cemetery is a cemetery in the Kalevanharju district within the city of Tampere, Finland. More information in Wikipedia Guidelines and tips - read this first! The plan is to include only persons whose final resting place is in Kalevankangas Cemetery in Tampere. Before adding a profile, please check that its grave location information contains this information - the more precisel...

  • Pälkäneen vanhaan Pyhän Mikaelin kirkkoon haudatut

    Tähän projektiin liitetään Pälkäneen vanhaan kirkkoon haudattujen henkilöiden profiileja. Pyhän Mikaelin kirkko on Pälkäneen kirkonkylässä Onkkaalassa sijaitseva keskiaikainen kirkko, joka rakennettiin 1400−1500-lukujen taitteessa. Kirkko kärsi pahasti Kostianvirran taistelun (1713) aikana, jolloin se ryöstettiin lähes kokonaan. 1740-luvulla hiekkamaalle perustetun kirkon perustukset alkoivat...