Genealogy Projects tagged with Heroes on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Please add people, events, actions, etc. to this evolving project that would be considered Heroes of this pandemic==Health care experts and scientists, governments are working around the clock to try to deal with this pandemic. Many are working on vaccines, & cures. Please add those who would be appropriate for these areas. For those living, their profiles can be made MP. If there are any other...

  • Heroes of Dominican Republic

    Panteon Nacional # Lideres Campesinos de Republica Dominicana# Heroes de la Independencia# Heroes de la Gesta xyz# Heroinas y Heroes de la Tirania

  • Heroes Bravery Kindness and Valor - Australia

    Heroes Bravery Kindness and Valor - AustraliaA place for the brave recognized or not. Not all heroes and acts of kindness or bravery are recognized with medals and notability. Many acts of bravery were not acknowledged or recorded. Please add your ancestors who were heroes, who were brave and who saved lives. Please make sure their story is written on their profile page so visitors may read abo...