Genealogy Projects tagged with Bravery on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Heroes Bravery Kindness and Valor - Australia

    Heroes Bravery Kindness and Valor - AustraliaA place for the brave recognized or not. Not all heroes and acts of kindness or bravery are recognized with medals and notability. Many acts of bravery were not acknowledged or recorded. Please add your ancestors who were heroes, who were brave and who saved lives. Please make sure their story is written on their profile page so visitors may read abo...

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Bravery Award

    The Newfoundland and Labrador Bravery Award is an award that can be presented to citizens of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.==Ternms==The government of the Newfoundland and Labrador may present an award to a citizen of the province whose life and safety have been risked while giving assistance to another person.The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint a review panel for the pur...

  • British Columbia Fire Services Bravery Medal

    British Columbia Fire Services Bravery Medal=The Medal of Bravery was established for members of the fire service, to express, on behalf of the citizens of British Columbia, their gratitude to the fire fighters who have performed acts of courage and bravery without concern for their own personal safety. Nominations must be made in writing, to the Fire Commissioner. Nominations will be researche...

  • Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery

    The Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery recognizes individual acts of outstanding courage and bravery by members of Ontario's firefighting services.This honour is an important way to demonstrate public support for the often hazardous nature of the work of our firefighters.For more information on this Ontario medal, please visit the link at the top of this project.

  • Ontario Medal for Police Bravery

    The Ontario Medal for Police Bravery recognizes acts of outstanding courage and bravery by members of Ontario's police services.This honour is an important way to demonstrate public support for police officers across Ontario.For more information on the honour, please visit the link at the top of this page.