Genealogy Projects tagged with Islam on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Hudood-e-Kiraam

    Bismillah hirr-rahmaan nirr-raheem. Assalamu-alaikum! An accurate and researched classification of all Hudood-e-Kiraam of the Da'awat-e-Haadiya . Mainly it will contain historical profiles of the below mentioned hierarchies (explained with titles). A'imma-e-Taahireen/ Auwliya-e-Allah : Imaam's & Naib-e-Imaam's Anbiya-e-Kiraam : Rasool's Dua'at-e-Kiraam : Baab ul-Abwaab's, Baab's, Hujj...

  • Islam of Siberia

    Ислам Сибири 1.1 Этапы исламизации Сибири 1.2 Особенности ислама в Сибири 1.3 Ислам в декоративном искусстве Сибири 1.4 Старинные мечети Тюменской области Глава 2. Художественно-творческая направленность изучения исламизации Сибири 2.1 Творческий замысел 2.2 Создание творческого проекта Заключение Список литературы Введение Ислам является, по большинству оценок, второй по численности...

  • Moorish Culture in Spain and Elsewhere

    This project is about exactly what it says. The Moors conquered Spain about 700 A.D. and stayed there for over 700 years. We will talk about how Moorish culture affected the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and all their colonies and colonists. ( ).There were at least three (3) sets of Muslim/Moslem Moors: the Arabic Moors, Black or African Moors (hence the term, "blackamoor," or Black as...