Genealogy Projects tagged with Sulaimani on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Hudood-e-Kiraam

    Bismillah hirr-rahmaan nirr-raheem. Assalamu-alaikum! An accurate and researched classification of all Hudood-e-Kiraam of the Da'awat-e-Haadiya . Mainly it will contain historical profiles of the below mentioned hierarchies (explained with titles). A'imma-e-Taahireen/ Auwliya-e-Allah : Imaam's & Naib-e-Imaam's Anbiya-e-Kiraam : Rasool's Dua'at-e-Kiraam : Baab ul-Abwaab's, Baab's, Hujj...

  • The Sulaimani Jamat

    20th January 2011 : Building initiated of a complete list of historical/ public profiles of members of the Sulaimani Jamaat , a smaller sect of the Shi'a community mainly settled in India, Pakistan & Yemen , with members spread across the Western World, Europe & GCC in the past few decades of the 21st century. February-June 2011 : Historic profiles of the Al-Hindi, Banu Al-Anf & Banu Al-Makrami...

  • Badrbagh

    January 2011 : 1st Project for Sulaimani Community August 2012 :Dear All, This was started as a test project when I first started using GENI in January 2011. I am thinking of maintaining only 1 project for the community in order to set ease and convenience for all members. All historic profiles, and updates will be added only to that project then, and all members are invited to follow that proj...