The position of mayor was created in 1873 following the city's incorporation (and renamed from Fort Garry). The mayor is a member of Winnipeg City Council, but does not represent a ward. Mayor of Winnipeg Nineteenth Century Francis Evans Cornish, Q. C. (1874) William Nassau Kennedy (1875–1876) Thomas Scott (1877–1878) Alexander Logan (1st time) (1879–1880) Elias George Conklin (1881...
The project serves as an umbella for local projects for Manitoba, Canada communities with significant Finnish population. If there is no suitable local project, you can add profiles of Finnish immigrants and their descendants also to this project.Please start a project discussion if you would like to have a new project established for a particular area.
University of Manitoba (U of M) is a public university in the province of Manitoba, Canada. Located in Winnipeg, it is a research-intensive post-secondary educational institution.[3] Founded in 1877, it was Western Canada’s first universityThe University of Manitoba has three main locations: the Bannatyne Campus, the Fort Garry Campus and the William Norrie Centre.[5]The downtown Bannatyne camp...
Canadian Teachers= Pictured Right:- 1950 Canadian School Train. Pupils attend classes at Nemegos near Chapleau, Ontario Please add the profiles of Canadian teachers to this profile but please do not include any tutors. These should be added to Tutors Education in Canada is for the most part provided publicly, funded and overseen by federal, provincial, and local governments.[16] Education is wi...
WARNING: Geni users, please, do not create a version of this project in another language, any other language. The Geni project multilingual feature will cause project data to be lost. For the time being, just stay with the English (default) version. A solution is being worked on. Stay tuned. <<<= Pioneers of Canada =This project will act as an umbrella project for all province's pioneers.==The ...
The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba /lɛfˈtɛnənt/ is the viceregal representative in Manitoba of the Canadian monarch, King Charles III, who operates distinctly within the province but is also shared equally with the ten other jurisdictions of Canada, as well as the other Commonwealth realms and any subdivisions thereof, and resides predominantly in his oldest realm, the United Kingdom. The Lieu...
This project is a list of historical lieutenant-governors of North-West Territories, Canada. The position of Lieutenant-Governor lasted from the acquisition of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory in 1869 to the creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905. Lieutenant Governor of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory The Hon. Sir William McDougall (28 September 1869 to 10 M...
The Canadian province of Manitoba was created in 1870. Manitoba has a unicameral Westminster-style parliamentary government, in which the Premier is the leader of the party that controls the most seats in the Legislative Assembly. The Premier is Manitoba's head of government, and the Queen of Canada is its head of state and is represented by the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. The Premier pick...
Wikipedia Article
This is the sub-project for all Canadians with a district in Manitoba, who have or currently hold the position of MP (Member of Parliament) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.All members of this sub-project should be added to the master project as well.
This project has been created to house all current and former members of Manitoba's Legislative Assembly.=Sources=* Official site * Assemblée législative du Manitoba, Wikipédia
The University of Manitoba's faculty of law, also known as Robson Hall , is located on the Fort Garry campus of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
The Manitoba New Democratic Party (NDP) is a social-democratic political party in Manitoba, Canada. It is the provincial wing of the federal New Democratic Party of Canada, and is a successor to the Manitoba Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. It is currently the governing party in Manitoba with an election scheduled for April 19, 2016 .
This is the master project for all Canadians, who have or currently hold the position of Senator from Manitoba in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. All Canadian Senators are able to serve up and till the day that they turn 75, at which point they have to retire. They can retire from the job at any time before their 75th birthday.All members of the sub-projects should be added to the main Canadian Senato...
Place projects are projects on Geni that are focused of a specific geographical place or region. Places profiles are also the precursor to the upcoming Place Profiles feature. Place project portals Includes countries and kingdoms, and other top level place project. Geographical Australia Canada Europe Al-Andalus Austro-Hungarian-Empire Belarus Czech Republic-Bohemia Croatia
This project is to explore the connections of various people and families who lived in Manitoba, Canada Sources: Vital Records
Pioneers of Canada - Ontario ===History=====Aboriginal Settlement===The first residents of Ontario arrived during the last ice age, approximately 10,000 years ago. As the ice retreated Ontario's paleo-Indian inhabitants moved into the northern region of the province. For many years Ontario's Aboriginal peoples probably lived by fishing and hunting; deer, elk, bear and beaver could be found in t...
The Red River Colony (or Selkirk Settlement ) was a colonization project set up in 1811 by Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk on 300,000 square kilometres (120,000 sq mi) of land. This land was granted to him by the Hudson's Bay Company, which is referred to as the Selkirk Concession. The establishment of Canada in the late 19th century led to the creation of what is today Manitoba, although m...
The Red River Rebellion (or the Red River Resistance, Red River Uprising, or First Riel Rebellion) was the sequence of events related to the 1869 establishment of a provisional government by the Métis leader Louis Riel and his followers at the Red River Colony, in what is now the Canadian province of Manitoba .The Rebellion was the first crisis the new government faced following Canadian Confed...
Following Louis Riel's Family, Ancestors, & Descendants.
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba is the presiding officer of the provincial legislature.==Speakers of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba=====Independent Speakers===* Joseph Royal (March 15, 1871 to March 14, 1872)* Curtis Bird (February 5, 1873 to December 22, 1874)* Joseph Dubuc (March 31, 1875 to December 1878)* John Sifton (February 1, 1879 to December 1879)* Gilbert McM...
The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (Manitoba Section) (CCF), known informally as the Manitoba CCF , was a provincial branch of the national Canadian party by the same name. The national CCF was the dominant social-democratic party in Canada from the 1930s to the early 1960s, when it merged with the labour movement to become the New Democratic Party. The Manitoba CCF, created in 1932, playe...
Image right - The Russell Manitoba farm house 'Credit to This is a sub-project of the Child Emigration from Britain to Canada (Barnardo Homes).This one is for the Barnardo Homes children that were going to Barnardo's farm in Russell, Manitoba.Run by ]
The Asper School of Business is located on the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus in South Winnipeg, Manitoba. The school began in 1937 as the University of Manitoba Faculty of Management. The school was renamed in 2000 in honour of Izzy Asper, noted for his many contributions to the City of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba over the span of his life. There are currently 1,600 B.Co...
Université de Saint-Boniface ( Français ) (USB) is a French-language post-secondary institution in the province of Manitoba, Canada. USB offers general and specialized university degree programs as well as technical and professional training to a wide variety of students from Manitoba, the rest of Canada and some 20 different countries. Located in the St. Boniface neighbourhood in the city of W...