Genealogy Projects tagged with Mayence on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Jewish Community of Mainz, Germany

    The Magic Land of Magenza, Jewish Life and Times in Medieval and Modern Mainz * The Neue Mainzer Synagoge Mainz - Mayence, (”Magenza“ – the Hebrew name for Mainz) attracted many Jews in the relatively safe and enlightened Carolingian period as trade flourished. As early as the 10th Century, Jewish texts already looked back on many generations of settlement in Mainz. The greatest Jewish teachers...

  • Medieval Rhineland Jewry: Speyer - Worms - Mainz

    Three central cities of Medieval Rhineland Jewry were: Speyer, Worms, and Mainz. The initials of the Hebrew names for these cities, Shpira, Vermayza, and Magentza form the initials שו"ם (SHUM) . >>> The Jewish Traveler Mainz, Worms & Speyer>># Worms >># Mainz >># Speyer >>>>>>>>=The Takkanot Shum תקנות שו"ם The Takkanot Shum תקנות שו"ם‎ , or Enactments of SHU"M were a set of decrees formulated ...