Genealogy Projects tagged with Polish Americans on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Milwaukee Polonia

    Roll Out the Barrel. We'll Have a Barrel of Fun! Our purposes are to explore our common Milwaukee heritage, link together our family trees, maybe learn a little of Milwaukee history, and above all, have fun doing it. Please visit our Milwaukee Polonia Project Blog for more information, including a list of family names known to be connected, and a FAQ section . Overview: For over 150 years, M...

  • Poles of New Amsterdam (now New York City)

    The Poles of New Amsterdam (now new York City) were considered a distinct asset to colonial life. Governor Peter Stuyvesant made every effort to induce them to settle in New Netherland so that they might help in farming and assist in the defense of the colony against the English. Many Polish educators were also invited to the colony. Dr. Alexander Kurcyush, known in American history as Dr. Ale...

  • California Polish Americans

    THE POLISH SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA was created in 1863 by the idealistic and patriotic members of the Polish Committee, with headquarters in the Russ House, a hotel in San Francisco. The first president of the Society was also one of its co-founders, Cpt. Casimir Bielawski, under whose leadership the Society grew in activities and prestige. The Polish Society of California was the first of its k...

  • Polish National Alliance

    The Polish National Alliance (pol. Związek Narodowy Polski, PNA) is the largest and one of the oldest Polish fraternal organizations in the United States. The original goal was to mobilize support among Polish Americans for the liberation of Poland. For much of the 20th century, it was locked in battle with the rival organization Polish Roman Catholic Union of America. It later emphasized frat...