Genealogy Projects tagged with Puritan on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Puritans

    Please add Geni profiles for Puritans to this project, and link to the “notable Puritans” section when warranted. Collaborators welcome. Extracted from The Puritans were English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to rid the Church of England of what they considered to be Roman Catholic practices, maintaining that the Church of England had not been fully reformed and sho...

  • Salem Witch Trials (1692)

    Overview and Scope of Project=The goal of this project is to discover our ancestors involved in the notorious Salem Witch Trials , validate their family trees and our own connections to them, and create nigh-quality, genealogically-valid mini biographies for their Profiles.=About the Salem Witch Trials= The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings before local magistrates followed by county...

  • Puritans in Colonial Virginia

    Puritans in Colonial Virginia Please add profiles of people associated with Puritanism in Virginia before 1650 . Extracted from: Butterfield, Kevin. Puritans in Colonial Virginia. (2020, December 07). In Encyclopedia Virginia . . In the 1620s and 1630s, several hundred men and women emigrated from England and settled in Virginia. Puritans protested the retention of certain Catholic pra...

  • Center Church Crypt, New Haven

    This project identifies Geni Profiles for the New Haven Crypt. The Crypt contains the identified remains of about 137 people, and the likely remains of over 1,000 that are unidentified known crypt inhabitants, list uploaded as a Project document or on this link: New Haven Crypt Names Please join us as a collaborator, add your ancestor's profile, and if possible, link the profile in the "overvie...

  • Descendants of William Peck(1601-1694) Elizabeth(Davis)Peck (1608-1683)

    Update 6/17/2016(CLM):This is for descendants of Puritan ,Deacon,William Peck. The following is from Janet McLaughlin of Rootweb 11/7/2005.REFN: 595 !1. Reply letter from Jean M. Hathaway 8 Dec 1997. !2. IGI BA: 8508405 38 SO: 1395975 & BA: F610053 19 SO: 1621410 3. DONALD CLEVELAND 2001 FROM DAVID WILLIAM RUMERY, 7-4-2001, FROM DAVID WILLIAM RUMERY, 7-4-2001, page 1 "1. PECK PIONEERS, February...