This project identifies Geni Profiles for the New Haven Crypt. The Crypt contains the identified remains of about 137 people, and the likely remains of over 1,000 that are unidentified known crypt inhabitants, list uploaded as a Project document or on this link: New Haven Crypt Names Please join us as a collaborator, add your ancestor's profile, and if possible, link the profile in the "overvie...
Churches of South Africa ' Christianity in South Africa The first Christian Mass, celebrated perhaps in late December 1487 or early January 1488, was celebrated on the island of the Holy Cross (named as such by Diaz), just off Port Elizabeth. '''''''''' * When it was started? What congregation? In the early years it was mostly the Dutch Reformed Church better known as either the Neder...
Universal Life Church (ULC) is a non-denominational religious organization founded on a simple doctrine, "Do that which is right," and states that every person has the natural right (and the responsibility) to peacefully determine what is right. Universal Life Church is an advocate of religious freedom and offers legal ordination to become a minister free of charge. The ordination process state...