Genealogy Projects tagged with Theodore on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Duchesne Utah History Project

    Scope of Project Assemble as many stories, pictures, and history of the settlement of Duchesne Utah Overview General Note If you would like to contribute to this page, please feel free to edit it. Click here for instructions about using Wiki markup language. Send a message to the Project Manager to join us and collaborate. Join the discussion Tags tags are based on ...

  • Mosman

    IN SEARCH OF THE LEGACY, FAMILY, AND INFORMATION Johannes Theodorus Mosman is the eldest member of our Mosman family to come to America. He had 14 children. Nine married and had children. In 1897 he gave an original oil painting to each of his grandchildren and continued painting for every grandchild as they were born. This painting was a symbolic family portrait. It is said that he painted app...