Genealogy Projects tagged with Zoologists on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Zoologists

    Zoologists ====Zoologists study the structure, physiology, development and classification of animals. Image Right - Conrad Gesner (1516-1565) The purpose of this project is to gather together information about zoologists and connect to GENi profiles of those whose speciality was/is in natural history, especially in the study of plants and animals. This is a universal project. Please link pro...

  • Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal

    Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal=The Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal is awarded by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences "for meritorious work in zoology or paleontology published in a three- to five-year period." Named after Daniel Giraud Elliot, it was first awarded in 1917.==List of Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal winners==