This project is dedicated to tracing Russian nobility ancestors and providing information on historical content in relation to genealogy. If you have Russian nobility ancestors, or if you study ancestral lines deriving from the Russian Empire, please follow and participate in this project. Do not add profiles to this project. This project is under construction. Information and reliable sourc...
In a private collection In St. Petersburg, there are a few thousands of vintage postcards addressed to Russian Nobility, High Officials, and Generals. Some of them managed to survive due to emigration. Some still have relatives in Russia, which is unbelievable. Below there is a list. We add some every month. In case of questions please write to poscardhistory&mail.ru ЕЕ Превосходительство ...
Máxima Zorreguieta, reina de los Países Bajos Javier Botana Conde, príncipe de Beauvau-Craon Elena Nash Virasoro, princesa de Rodzianko Inés de Luynes Unzué, princesa de Murat Carolina Martínez de Hoz, princesa de Mazirov Hans Otto Heidkamp, príncipe de Gonzaga Isolina Moreno Torres, princesa de Trubetzkoy
Stowe House, Buckinghamshire, England= Stowe House is a Grade I listed country house located in Stowe, Buckinghamshire, England. It is the home of Stowe School, an independent school and is owned by the Stowe House Restoration Trust who have to date (March 2013) spent more than £25m on the restoration of the house. The gardens (known as Stowe Landscape Gardens), a significant example of the Eng...