The British Peers and Baronets Project seeks to bring together all persons in (or from) the United Kingdom with hereditary titles, excluding monarchs (who are already compiled under the " English and British Monarchs " Project). The term "British" in this context is understood to include all titled peers and baronets in the United Kingdom (this includes all of Great Britain -- England, Scotla...
This project is dedicated to tracing Russian nobility ancestors and providing information on historical content in relation to genealogy. If you have Russian nobility ancestors, or if you study ancestral lines deriving from the Russian Empire, please follow and participate in this project. Do not add profiles to this project. This project is under construction. Information and reliable sourc...
Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum====Is a project for the directors, professors and alumni of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811–1843) in Russia.=== The Imperial Lyceum (Императорский Царскосельский лицей, Imperatorskiy Tsarskosel'skiy litsey) in Tsarskoye Selo near Saint Petersburg, also known historically as the Imperial Alexander Lyceum after its founder Tsar Alexander I, was an educational institution whi...
Peerage of Ireland=The Peerage of Ireland consists of those titles of nobility created by the English monarchs in their capacity as Lord or King of Ireland, or later by monarchs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The creation of such titles came to an end in the 19th century. The ranks of the Irish peerage are Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and Baron. The Crown of the United Ki...
American Aristocracy Is there such a thing? Please do not add profiles to this project, but add profiles to the appropriate related project. From Wikipedia: Aristocracy (class) The aristocracy[1] is historically associated with a "hereditary" or a "ruling" social class. In many states, the aristocracy included the upper class of people (aristocrats) with hereditary rank and titles.[2] ...
The Union of Horodło or Pact of Horodło was a set of three acts signed in the town of Horodło, on the river Bug, on 2 October 1413, during a solemn convention of the monarchs of Poland and Lithuania - Jogaila (Władysław II Jagiełło) and Vytautas (Witold). The first act was signed by Jogaila (Władysław II Jagiełło), King of Poland, and Vytautas (Witold), Grand Duke of Lithuania. The second and...
While a page is a comparatively low-ranking servant, a Page of Honour is a ceremonial position in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. It requires attendance on state occasions, but does not now involve the daily duties which were once attached to the office of page. The only physical activity involved is usually carrying the long train of the Queen's dress.It is usually ...
The American gentry were wealthy landowning members of the American upper class in the colonial South. Historians generally use the term "gentry" to refer to the moneyed planter class in the American South prior to the American Revolution. Typically, large scale landowners rented out farms to white tenant farmers. North of Maryland, there were few large comparable rural estates, except in the ...
Nobres Goesas / Noble Goans MD to MCMX This project complies people from the Portuguese Kingdom and its Empire who were classified as Noble Goans, bestowed with various titles. These people were from diverse origins and ancestries. Numerous people of the 21st century Goa are descended from these Noble Goans, if not all. This serves as a catalogue to help find your ancestry, the diversity of ...
In a private collection In St. Petersburg, there are a few thousands of vintage postcards addressed to Russian Nobility, High Officials, and Generals. Some of them managed to survive due to emigration. Some still have relatives in Russia, which is unbelievable. Below there is a list. We add some every month. In case of questions please write to poscardhistory&mail.ru ЕЕ Превосходительство ...
ISABEGOVIĆ FAMILY (Isajbegović, the Turkish Isabegzade) Founding a family Isabegović is an Ottoman branch of an old Bosnian aristocratic family from the Kosača tribe.[1] The family founder was Ottoman governor and soldier Ishak beg Hranić in the 14th century but the family name is named after his son Isa-beg Ishaković Hranić and it is Isabegović. So, after him, all members of family Isab...
Máxima Zorreguieta, reina de los Países Bajos Javier Botana Conde, príncipe de Beauvau-Craon Elena Nash Virasoro, princesa de Rodzianko Inés de Luynes Unzué, princesa de Murat Carolina Martínez de Hoz, princesa de Mazirov Hans Otto Heidkamp, príncipe de Gonzaga Isolina Moreno Torres, princesa de Trubetzkoy
Goa Kshatriyas: Noble Chardos of Goa Gentiles: Nobre Chardós: Kshatriyas , Cxatriyas The Goan Kshatriyas (Nobre Chardós) descended from Monarchy, Kings, Rulers, Aristocracy and Warriors. They governed kingdoms, dynasties and are responsible for creating administered cities in the by-gone era. This is a project to compile the profiles for gentiles: Kshatriya ancestors and descendants of Goa...
The Albany, Piccadilly, London, Middlesex,England= The Albany, or simply Albany , is an apartment complex in Piccadilly, London.===Building===The Albany was built in 1770–74 by Sir William Chambers for Viscount Melbourne ' as Melbourne House. It is a three-storey mansion, seven bays (windows) wide, with a pair of service wings flanking a front courtyard. In 1791, Prince Frederick, Duke of York ...