Genealogy Projects tagged with centenarians on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Eesti sajaaastased

    Projekt koondab sada ja enam aastat elanud eestlased (eestimaalased) Allikad ja lingid: Eesti saja-aastased Vanim eestlane Vanim eesti mees Vanim eesti naine Palju kogutud linke eesti sajaaastaste kohta List of oldest people from Estonia Sajaaastased 1921. aastal

  • Centenarians

    Centenarians 100 ~ hundred ~ C ~ hundert ~ Jahrigen~Centenaires~Signerad EN : Until recently, living to 100 was considered a rare phenomenon. Within the past few years, however, with several hundred people reaching the century mark each month, scientists and laypeople alike are beginning to look upon these oldest of the old as beacons guiding us to a new, longer lived age. DE : Bis vor kurzem...

  • Yli satavuotiaaksi eläneet suomalaiset

    Tähän projektiin on tarkoitus kerätä yli satavuotiaaksi eläneiden Suomessa syntyneiden henkilöiden profiilit.

  • Centenarians / Stogodišnjaci

    Purpose of this project is to list people that lived for 100 years or more from Croatia. preko 107 Muška Porobić 108 (1912-2021) Luca Bulić 109 (1895-2005) Joseph Kršul 109 (1911-2021) Nike Valjalo 110 (1908-2018) Mateo Palaveršić 106 (1906-2012) Private 10/10/1915 - 16/05/2023 Podgora Dijana Stančić (Janović) - 106 years (1890-1996) Anka Anusich (Kržanić) - 104 years (190...

  • 100 Pluss Norge

    Kjente norske hundre og superhundre åringer. Kjente nordmenn over hundre år. De eldste menn og kvinner i Norge Superhundreåringer( pluss 110) er kjente på bakgrunn av veldig høy alder.