Genealogy Projects tagged with doubell on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Doubell Genealogy of South Africa

    Research into the Doubell family of South Africa, descended from Michael George Doubell and Aletta Maria de Lange . We're looking for people to add their lines; research; frustrations :-) below: Starter Kit for How To Add Text to Projects Michael George Doubell 1799-1871 : Born in November 1799 Kent, England to Michael George & Maria Doubell . [Y-DNA R-M269 ] - Dies 10 September 1871 ...

  • CuZZin - Surname Index

    This project aims to: Provide a reference listing of any South African Surname Projects. Promote and encourage more users to contribute to the Surname Projects. How to participate: Want to showcase your family Surname Project? Please add them here - use the Requeest to Collabota button at the top right drop down menu - (& don't forget to also add your surname as a tag to this proje...

  • Temporary Doubell Mash-Up Locator for Disconnected Profiles

    Temporary project while we fix a mash-up on the Doubell line - to make sure disconnected profiles don't float away before we find their proper place.If you have info that could help us reconnect any of them PLEASE come and help. You'd be welcomed with open arms.PS. This isn't intended to make anyone feel bad: Mash-ups happen. We're all human. Keep calm and come and help us correct it :-)
