Simon Bolivar, in a letter from Babahoyo dated 14/06/1823 to Francisco de Paula Santander, states that >, ... (making this an approximate total of 220 (1810-1830)), > (according to himself), ... >. The last seven-and-a-half months of his life he traveled extensively down the lower basin of the Magdalena River, towards his supposed (self-) exile. It is known he had a whole company of Granaderos ...
Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm." Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross.Between 1607 a...