Please add your cordwainer ancestor profiles: must be set to public. Project collaborators, please feel free to update the project page, add resources, documents, and images ... and invite more collaborators.==the shoe trades==Include ....* Shoemakers * Cobblers ===What is a Cordwainer?===from The Honorable Cordwainer's Company An Ancient Calling The term "cordwainer" is an Anglicization of the...
Shoemakers==Please add your shoemaking ancestor profiles: must be set to public. Project collaborators, please feel free to update the project page, add resources, documents, and images ... and invite more collaborators.==the shoe trades==Include ....* Cobblers * Cordwainers ==What is a shoemaker?==From Wikipedia Shoemaking is the process of making footwear. Originally, shoes were made one at a...
Linguists=A linguist in the academic sense is a person who studies natural language (an academic discipline known as linguistics). , the word is sometimes also used to refer to a polyglot (one who knows several languages), or a grammarian (a scholar of grammar), but these two uses of the word are distinct (and one does not have to be a polyglot in order to be an academic linguist). The followin...
Cobblers==Please add your cobbler ancestor profiles: must be set to public. Project collaborators, please feel free to update the project page, add resources, documents, and images ... and invite more collaborators.==the shoe trades==Include ....* Shoemakers * Cordwainers ==What is a cobbler?==From wise geek A shoe cobbler is a craftsman or woman who specializes in repairing shoes ... cobbling ...
project is to add those who were employed as BIA agents. this project is in HistoryLink Commissioners and Assistant Secretaries ===Commissioners of Indian AffairsHeads of the Bureau of Indian Affairs======copied from Wikipedia ===* 1824–1830 Thomas L. McKenney* 1830–1831 Samuel S. HamiltonIn 1832 Congress established the position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs. In 1849 Indian Affairs was tra...
1. a person employed by another, especially to perform domestic duties.* 2. a person in the service of another.* 3. a person employed by the government: