Genealogy Projects tagged with policeman on the Geni Family Tree

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  • British Policemen - 19th Century

    British Policemen - 19th Century. The Metropolitan Police In 1829, when Sir Robert Peel was Home Secretary, the first Metropolitan Police Act was passed and the Metropolitan Police Force was established. This new force superseded the local Watch in the London area but the City of London was not covered. Even within the Metropolitan Police District there still remained certain police establis...

  • Eesti politsei

    Mida ja kui palju me teame Eestis tegutsenud politseinikest, nende väljaõppest, haritusest, põhiväärtustest, perekondlikest suhetest, ühendustest, tööst ja vastutusest Eesti Vabariigi päevail 1920- 1939. aastani ja alates 1991-sest aastast tänapäevani. Kajastamist võiksid leida legendid, lood ja kõik see, mis võiks lugejatele huvi pakkuda. Kasulikku teavet:* Kui suure augu teeb Eesti politsei u...

  • Lithuanian Police Force

    The traditions of the Lithuanian police were developed over decades. Their roots were in 1918-1924 when the organisation of militia was established in Lithuania and the militia volunteers were working. On January 1, 1924 the militia was officially renamed into the police. Wikipedia: Lithuanian Police Force Police Forces History Please add public profiles that served in Lithuanian Police Force i...