Genealogy Projects tagged with police on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Eesti politsei

    Mida ja kui palju me teame Eestis tegutsenud politseinikest, nende väljaõppest, haritusest, põhiväärtustest, perekondlikest suhetest, ühendustest, tööst ja vastutusest Eesti Vabariigi päevail 1920- 1939. aastani ja alates 1991-sest aastast tänapäevani. Kajastamist võiksid leida legendid, lood ja kõik see, mis võiks lugejatele huvi pakkuda. Kasulikku teavet:* Kui suure augu teeb Eesti politsei u...

  • Law Enforcement Officers (Portal)

    Law enforcement is the activity of some members of government who act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and norms governing that society. The term encompasses police, courts, and corrections. Modern state legal codes use the term peace officer, or law enforcement officer, to include every person vested...

  • Lithuanian Police Force

    The traditions of the Lithuanian police were developed over decades. Their roots were in 1918-1924 when the organisation of militia was established in Lithuania and the militia volunteers were working. On January 1, 1924 the militia was officially renamed into the police. Wikipedia: Lithuanian Police Force Police Forces History Please add public profiles that served in Lithuanian Police Force i...

  • Suomen poliisiviranomaiset - Finnish police authorities

    Projekti poliiseille, nimismiehille, kruununvoudeille ja kaupungivoudeille. Poliisi on valtiovallan organisaatio, joka turvaa oikeus- ja yhteiskuntajärjestystä, ylläpitää yleistä järjestystä ja turvallisuutta, ennaltaehkäisee rikoksia sekä selvittää näitä ja saattaa nämä syyteharkintaan. Sana poliisi juontuu ranskan kielen kautta kreikan sanasta politeia, joka viittaa hallitukseen tai hallintoo...

  • Bato, Camarines Sur, Philippines

    This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived, or died in Bato, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Mayors of Bato, Camarines Sur Paulino B. Calleja Luis De Los Santos Ubaldo Serrano Pedro Tigue Anselmo Talagtag Francisco Pena Domingo Coralde

  • Order of Merit of the Police Forces

    The Order of Merit of the Police Forces ( Français : Ordre du mérite des corps policiers ) is an honour for merit that is, within the Canadian system of honours, the only such fellowship reserved only for members of Canada's various police forces. Created in 2000, and administered by the Governor General-in-Council, on behalf of the Canadian monarch. Appointment to the order recognizes conspicu...

  • Fraternal Order of Police

    The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is a fraternal organization consisting of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States. It reports a membership of over 355,000 members organized in 2,100 local chapters (lodges), state lodges, and the national Grand Lodge. The organization attempts to improve the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those they serve through...

  • Chicago Haymarket Affair

    Chicago Haymarket Affair (aka Haymarket Massacre , Haymarket Riot , Haymarket Incident , Haymarket tragedy ) is the labour demonstration and the subsequent repressions of anarchists, communists, and other unionists that was sparked by the the bombing during the demonstration.==People involved==* Albert Richard Parsons * Samuel Fielden ==Timeline of the events=====Prior events===* 1884-Oct - Fed...

  • Family Hero:: The First Responders

    This project is created to recognize and honor 'First Responders' in our families --- sometimes risking their lives to save others. First Responders --- An 'employee of an emergency service who is likely to be among the first people to arrive at and assist at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack. First responders typically include police, firefig...

  • Horse police ir Riga / Rīgas prefektūras jātnieku nodaļa

    Rīgas prefektūra dibināta 1918. gada 15. decembrī. Pirmais prefekts bija Jānis Dambekalns, pēdējais - pulkvežleitnants Pēteris Pommers (līdz 1939. gadam). Pie Rīgas prefektūras darbojās prefektūras apsardzes rota un policijas jātnieku nodaļa. Kārtībniekus sagatavoja Policijas skolā, kura dibināta 1919. gada 3. jūlijā, ar 3 mēnešu kursu. 1929-1939. g. jātnieku policijas komandieris Rīgas prefekt...

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    Mots clés Keywords =* English: RCMP* Français: GRC

  • Police Exemplary Service Medal

    The Police Exemplary Service Medal (French: Médaille de la police pour services distingués) is a Canadian service medal for police officers. The medal honours 20 years of full-time exemplary service by police officers serving with one or more recognized Canadian police forces. The medal may also be awarded in extraordinary circumstances, such as a posthumous award to a police officer who died i...

  • Ontario Provincial Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal

    Awarded by the Ontario Government to members of the Ontario Provincial Police for 20 years service.The qualifications are:# The Provincial Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal was awarded to those members of the Force who were of irreproachable character, and who had served in the Force not less than 20 years, the last 10 of which was with good conduct and satisfactory service.# Medal awa...

  • Nouveau Parti démocratique du Québec

    The New Democratic Party of Quebec (in French: Nouveau Parti démocratique du Québec ) (NPD-Québec or NPDQ) was a social-democratic political party in Quebec, Canada. The party originated from the Parti social démocratique du Québec (Social Democratic Party of Quebec) in 1963. After a split with the federal party over the question of Quebec independence, in 1994 the party renamed itself the Part...

  • Ontario Medal for Police Bravery

    The Ontario Medal for Police Bravery recognizes acts of outstanding courage and bravery by members of Ontario's police services.This honour is an important way to demonstrate public support for police officers across Ontario.For more information on the honour, please visit the link at the top of this page.