Genealogy Projects tagged with pomeranian on the Geni Family Tree

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  • The Great Kashubian Migration

    In the mid-1800s Kashubians migrated for economic reasons. After the Franco-Prussian War and the unification of Germany under Bismarck, Kashubians were met with institutionalized hostility. Life was very harsh for the Kashubs. It was illegal to use Polish or Kashubian in public, especially in church. Many priests were imprisoned or exiled. Churches were left with no parish priests. As a result,...

  • R-Y6956 (Y-DNA)

    The historical population of the area was a mix of West Slavic, Polish, Baltic, German, Kashub, and Old Prussians with a sprinkling of Danes, Finns, Swedes, Balkan, and even French Huguenots. There are a lot of historical factors that brought that about. The Hanseatic League trading network (beginning in the 1300s) brought trade, culture, people and languages. The Reformation brought Protestant...

  • I-Y18103 (Y-DNA)

    The complete path on the YFull tree is: A0-T > A1 > A1b > BT > CT > CF > F > GHIJK > HIJK > IJK > IJ > I > I1 > I-DF29 > I-Z2336 > I-Y3866 > I-S4767 > I-S7642 > I-Y6340 > I-Y6351 > I-Y6343 > I-Y18103 Path [ ]The I1-Y18103 branch of the North European haplogroup I1, which from about 1000 years occurs mainly on the Southern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is called the I1-Vistula branch, because most...