Genealogy Projects tagged with powerful females on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Powerful Women in a Men's World

    I keep coming across semi-invisible (by which, I suppose I mean to HIStory ;-)) women, who quite obviously wield power or change their society behind the scenes of (& often by manipulating) the males whose stories are told, and I can't find a good project to attach them to - in order to give them a trace on Geni.There are lots of projects for great women, who do impressive things (especially er...

  • Powerful Women Warriors (1500 BCE - 1500 CE)

    [ Female warrior deities ], whose origins predate historical records, are present in most early cultures. However, the following list is assembled from sources emerging with the fragmentary beginning of written records until the 16th century. Japanese and and Chinese women warriors were legendary. While the tradition of Arab Bedouin and North African Berber women warriors (p197) goes back mille...

  • The World's 100 Most Powerful Women (Forbes)

    Project contact: Private User 2004, Forbes has compiled a list of the 100 most powerful women in the world. It is edited by notable Forbes journalists, including Moira Forbes , and is based on visibility and economic impact. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has remained at the top spot since 2006, with the brief exception of 2010 where she was temporarily supplanted by former U.S. First Lady Mic...