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Powerful Women in a Men's World

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  • Percy Maxim Lee (1906 - 2002)
    Percy Maxim Lee (1906–2002) became President of the League of Women Voters of the United States and was appointed by President Kennedy to the Consumer Advisory Council, which she later chaired. She was...
  • Major General Norma Elaine Brown (1926 - 2003)
    Major General Norma Elaine Brown Major General Brown was the first female base commander and at one time the highest ranking female officer in the Air Force. She graduated from Florida St...
  • Arabella Duval Huntington (1852 - 1924)
    Arabella Duval Huntington (Yarrington) Arabella was an American philanthropist and once known as the richest woman in the country as a result of inheritances she received upon the death...
  • Chief Nurse Lenah Agnes Higbee (1874 - 1941)
    Chief Nurse Lenah Agnes Higbee Wiseman (Sutcliffe) Chief Nurse Higbee was born in Chatham, New Brunswick, on 18 May 1874. She completed nurses' training at the New York Postgraduate Hospi...
  • Sarah Earle Chase (1836 - 1915)
    Sarah Earle Chase Lucy Chase (1822–1909) and Sarah Chase (1836–1911) were sisters from Worcester, Massachusetts, who volunteered as teachers in freedmen's schools during and after the America...

I keep coming across semi-invisible (by which, I suppose I mean to HIStory ;-)) women, who quite obviously wield power or change their society behind the scenes of (& often by manipulating) the males whose stories are told, and I can't find a good project to attach them to - in order to give them a trace on Geni.

There are lots of projects for great women, who do impressive things (especially era-specific projects) - but none that encompass women who affect the course of their society irrespective of whether they are laudable -

eg -by divorcing one king and offering yourself to whoever beats him, causing a battle that wipes out most of the Irish nobility at Clontarf: Gormflaith

- or by quietly manipulating the politics of the colonial government who appoint you as a puppet regent, in the interests of your tribe: Nonesi Great House Wife, Twice regent of the abaThembu

- or by killing off your powerful son-in-law to change the balance of power in favour of a new son-in-law: Pepin, the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia: Anseflede

I'm sure people can think of lots of others, or come across them in the course of researching for Geni, so I'm provisionally calling this project: 'Powerful Women in a Men's World', and asking for people to attach them & their stories here as we find them - whatever era or area they are in.

Work-in-progress - please jump in. We're having an interesting Discussion here about exactly what niche this is trying to fill.