Genealogy Projects tagged with r1b on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Clan Henderson Family Group R1b R-C1 P312-L21-DF13-FGC11134-BY56887

    This project collects family information on people in the Henderson Y-DNA Project who share a common ancestor within the past 12-24 generations identified by the SNP Family R-C1 P312-L21-DF13-FGC11134-BY56887. This family has six unique terminal haplogroups identified by the Big Y 700 test. Three of those groups have common ancestors in recent time 1700-1900. This is also one of the largest gro...

  • R-FGC30244 (Y-DNA)

    R-FGC30244 R-FGC30244 is a specific Y-DNA branch showing direct paternal ancestry. Y-DNA testing is available at FamilyTreeDNA where DNA is tested for genealogical purposes. This branch was determined with the Y-111 test (111 Y-STRs). Currently there are four testers at FTDNA who have tested positive for R-FGC30244 . They self-report ancestry from Ireland, U.K., Canada, and England. The bran...

  • R-FTB66583 (Y-DNA)

    Haplogroup R1b-FTB66583 is the subclade of R1b-l21 R-L21> R-S552> R-DF13> R-Z39589> R-BY15941> R-BY15943> R-BY15949> R-FTB66011> R-FTB66583

  • R-FGC11134 (Y-DNA) R1b > M269 > R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13 > FGC11134

    R-FGC11134 (Y-DNA) R1b > M269 > R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13 > FGC11134FGC11134 / Y3550 is also known as R1b1a1a2a1a2c1c and is a subgroup of R1b > M269 > R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13on the Y-DNA tree. It formed 4300 ybp and the TMRCA was 3500 ybp.It includes subgroups:* R-FGC11134** R-L96* R-Y16007* R-CTS4466 formed 3500 ybp TMRCA 2000 ybp

  • R-CTS4466 (Y-DNA) R1b > M269 > R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13 > FGC11134 > R-CTS4466

    R-CTS4466 (Y-DNA) R1b > M269 > R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13 > FGC11134 > R-CTS4466R-CTS4466 (S1113 * S1122 * S1120) also known as R1b1a1a2a1a2c1c1b is a subgroup of R1b > M269 > R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13 > FGC11134

  • R-L270 Irish Type II (South Irish)

    Project Objectives==To compare DNA test results and identify & validate descent from the most recent common ancestors in haplogroup R-L270 Irish Type II .==Instructions==* Descendants of Edward Teague please add your GEDMATCH Kit #'s and Y DNA test results. Documents and images files can be uploaded here .* Post in this discussion introducing yourself & your line so project collaborators & foll...

  • Clan Henderson Family Group R-E2: BY42705

    Clan Henderson Society Y-DNA Project - R-E2 Subgroup=Members of this project are DNA test kits at Family Tree DNA that share a common ancestor within the past approximately 400 years. There are currently 5 DNA test kits included in this project, two of which have a common Most Distant Known Ancestor (MDKA).==Goals==We hope to combine traditional family history with DNA testing to help people un...