Genealogy Projects tagged with haplogroup on the Geni Family Tree

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  • R-M17 (Y-DNA)

    The purpose of this project is to document the paternal lineage of all people with the genetic marker R-M17, R-M512 or R-M198 This haplogroup is called R-M17, R-M512 and R-M198. This marker defines the Y DNA Haplogroup currently designated R1a1a . The haplogroup name R-M512 is now preferred by ISOGG while R-M198 is the preferred name of on the YFull Tree . This haplogroup formed 14400 ybp and T...

  • H mtDNA haplogroup

    Dedicated to descendants of H mtDNA haplogroup. The earliest ancestor Medieval Czech Slav - 750 AD (sample ID - Rise568 ) mtDNA: H Genetic Match: Early Slav Closest Modern: Russian Smolensk Formation of H – 17300 BC Descendants: 88,302 Subclades of H haplogroup 'H1, H2, H3, H4, H5'36, H6, 'H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H18, H19, H20, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H28...

  • G-Z16775

    Y-DNA Haplogroup

  • H35 (Mitochondrial DNA)

    This project is a meeting place for anyone who has mtDNA haplo H35. The members of this project are DNA-relatives in a sense that they have the same direct maternal ancestor. FamilyTree DNA H35: about haplo mtDNA H35