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  • Abraham Bratmann (b. - 1810)
  • Abraham Bratmann (c.1778 - bef.1839)
  • Adele Wolkenstein (Bratmann) (1866 - 1942)
    Marriage Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes Vorname Adele Nachname Wolkenstein Geburtstag 20.01.1866 Wohnort Wien 2, Zirkusgasse 3 Sterbedatum 30.10.1942 Sterbeort...
  • Adolf (Abraham) Bratmann (1838 - 1897)
  • JUDr Adolf Bratmann (1879 - 1932)
    Wedding: source Badatelna | REP 119 REC 725 (171) Death notice: Dr. Ad. Bratmann. Age: 53. Burial: 16 Aug 1932, Vienna, Neue Freie Presse , 16 Aug 1932. Burial: Adolf Bratmann; Died: 14 Aug 1932. Ag...

About the Bratmann surname

Bratmann family may somehow be descended from Bratman,called also Bartom and Pharnabaz ,
king of Ibéria in the Caucas until about 30 BC ,son of Artuk alias Artag or Rok or Arik or Aderki ,
who died in 63 BC ,son of Artaxias ,king of Armenia,son of Arshak son of Vagharshak brother of Artaban ,
king of Parthyaia .

Arshak and his son Artaxias ,that is perhaps Arta(g)-Akhsi-Wa ,may be identical with Uarhag and his
son Akhsaertaeg in the Osetian Nart traditions ,and thus the latter's son and grandson ,Hamits ,
father of Bat-Radz ,may also be the same persons as Arik ,father of Bartom .
Ibérians were believed to be descended from the fours sons of the king Ed-Da-ya-Wa-Da of Hiero-Solyma
in the Holy Land of America at river Solimoes ,born to him from Bat-Tes-Sha-Bag-Ra .
Their successors thus ,named for the latter,may well be the Batsb(gh)a ,alias Bat or Bakav tribe ,
partly of Kartvel and partly of Weinakh language ,and Bat-Radz may in Alanian mean Ibérian King
and may well refer to Bartom or Bratman .

The first husband of A-Bat-Tessha-Bag-Ra alias A-Bat-Tessha-Yag-Ra was E'ayar-Rawa-Ha from Ak-Hatte ,
whereever it was .
The capital of the Anatolian Hettite kingdom was Kanish .
The language spoken there is rather similar to modern Georgian ,and might have been a Levitic dialect
at the tribe of Ze-Be-Laya-Na ,after whom Belize was named ,whose son ,Awak-Hella-'Ala may be the
ancestor of local Oghuz ( Ok-Gruz ) people .

Arikbaktsa people ,called also Canoeiro in the Holy Land of Brazil ,in Mato Grosso ,may be named after
the aforesaid couple ,as A-Ra-Yag-Bag-Tessha ,droping Bat from the two alternatives ,and Kano-Eiro ,
that is Kanawa-E'ayar-Rawa .
The Ibérian king Arik,father of Bat-Radz ,might thus have been the king of Batsbi ,that is Arigbagtsa people,
possibly yet in the Caucas ,and they might ahve been the ones who led them back to the Holy Land at
some time .
Chiefs of the Arik-Battsa may thus be descended from them .

Artaxias married the daguhter of Pharnaiom ,then king of Ibéria,son of Mirwan / Mihrban / Mithrapan
ruling until about 113 BC ,who may be identical with Vagharshak ,who deceased about the same time ,
which is 1236 and 1274 according to the younger ,now not in use ,and older - now in use - European
aeras of beginning in 1349 and 1387 BC respectively .
His name was Ansa in Corea, perhaps Angsa-Raja in Champa ,Mazatzin in México,Gulussa in Numidia,
and Suman-Guru in Sussu ,king of Kanya-Ga kingdom ,that might have been located at Grand Canyon in America .
He was apparently the king of the Ansaazi,of whom the Tae-Ansa ,the Mar-Ansa ,ind-Ansa,Ir-Ansa
and other tribes might have parted .
Mithriban may be the same person as Simon Mitzban in the genealogy of some Hungarian noble families too .

Some of the Arikbaksa might have moved at some time to Oceania ,where Aribwatsa people may be
related to them .
This might have happened during the migration towards America ,from Eurasia .
TSIH in the latters' language ,classified as Malayo-Polynesian ,means fire,just as TS'I in the Weinakh
language of the Batsba ,and there may be many more cognate words .This is also similar to CHIH-PIRI
in Purepecha ,and even the Gerogian word TSISKARI for the Venus may be interpreted as a composure
of TSI and SKAR ,meaning Fire-Star with a hybrid Weinakh-Tibetese expression .
There are similar words in many other languages too .

This migration might have taken place not sooner than Bratman's rule .
Mountain Brat ,and May-Brat people living at ,or even Man-Tion or Man-Ikion tribe ,all in New Guinea ,
might namely have been named after him ,or the other way around,he might have been called so
because of being the chief of the Ma-i-Brat .
The latters' language appears to be a Berber dialect ,in its yet non-Arabized form ,that is a one spoken
by the descendants of Arga-Wa-Shaya alias A'ad-a-Yam-Ma,the ancestor of Boar race .
Ayamaru tribe of the Mai-Brat may be descended from A'ayamara ,son of A'al-La-Wap-Paz-Za ,
the latter's grandson and son resepctively ;together with the Aimara of Lupaza kingdom around La Paz of course .
In their language fire sounds TAFOK ,which corresponds to Berber TAFUKT ,meaning the Sun ,
and also to FOCUS in latin .
Being though Boars ,blood relationship is still possible ,because nobles of the Chosen People beginning
with Alexander ,king of Makedonia ,the ancestor of Ibérian and Parthyaian kings through his son
Alexander,from Kleophis,queen of India ,intermarried with the Amazon queens ,who were descended
from Ama-Za-Ha ,ancestor of the Amazigh Berbers ,another of A'adayamma's grandsons .
Alexander was the Goat mutant ,later came the Rhinoceros mutant ,who is in pair with the River Horse
female mutation of the Boar .

Village Tombrok in New Guinea may also be named after Bar-Tom,Rok's son ,that is they may also be
the kinsmen of Bratman .
So Bratmann family of origin from the Holy Land may be in closer relationship with chiefs of the Arikbatssa in
Brazil and with the Ma-i-Brat in New Guinea .

See Hirschl,Hischel,Hirschler,Tenemaza,Zuni,Kartmann,Cártama,Malinka,Eisner,Aimar,La Paz,Huron,Canada,Amazon,Algeyer,Tango,Berber,Aschkenaze,Bocskay,Alexander,Inca,Zague,Cygan,
Tennant,Colombo,Czigány,Vajda,Görög,Görögh,Oklahoma,Arkansas,Natchez,Göktürk,Bachrich and others !

Balázs Déri