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  • Carmine Castellano
    Carmine Castellano (Sorrento, 7 marzo 1937) è un dirigente sportivo italiano, direttore unico del Giro d'Italia dal 1993 al 2003. Dopo aver esercitato per 20 anni la libera professione di avvocato, ...
  • Filiberto Castellano (1860 - 1919)
    Filiberto Castellano (Pietra Marazzi, 1860 – Torino, 24 gennaio 1919) è stato un matematico italiano.
  • Franco Castellano (1925 - 1999)
    Franco Castellano (Roma, 20 giugno 1925 – Roma, 28 dicembre 1999) è stato un regista e sceneggiatore italiano, che con Giuseppe Moccia ha formato la coppia nota come Castellano e Pipolo, definita dal...
  • Giacinta Castellano (1744 - 1827)
  • Giuseppe Castellano (1893 - 1977)
    Castellano (Prato, 12 settembre 1893 – Porretta Terme, 31 luglio 1977) è stato un generale italiano. Firmò, a nome dell'Italia, l'Armistizio di Cassibile del 3 settembre 1943, che sancì la cessazione d...

About the Castellano surname

Catherine Catellano


Balázs Déri :

Castilia,the home of Castellano people,may well be named after Kashtilia,
a king of the Kasshu dynasty of Kar-Dunia in the antiquity founded by Ganda ,one of the 12
ancestors of the Chosen People .
Kashtilia succeeded Aguum ,believed to be a son of Ganda ,who might be the man
called Ak-Ha-Gawa in the Byble ,so Aguum may be Ak-Gawa-Um .

Kar-Dunia of the Kasshu may be the ancestor of what Greeks called Karkhédón
( Kar-Ksha-ya-Wa-Doon ) ,identical with Karthago .
Kart-Hago may include the name of Aguum ,as Kart-Ha-Ak-Gawa ,the city of Aguum .
The dialect of the Kasshu appears to be the ancestor of Finnish language of Suomi ,that shows also
some similarities with that of Colawaya tribe,near what is Ome-Suyu in Bolivia .

Suomi may be explained from Suyu-Ome .

In the days of the king Ed-Daya-Wa-Da a man from Ganda settled in the Southern part of the
Holy Land of America ,called Ak-Amma-Hamma ,son of Aba-Re(n)za-Lawa ,and the city of Akamama,
later called Cuzco,might be founded by him .
He might have been a Carthagine,that is a Castilian ,although Lorenzo is an alternative name for the
Yanesha of the Holy Land ,who may be descended of part from Ak-Ha-Gawa's brother ,
Es-Sha-Yan-Nawa .
Another of thhese siblings numbered seven ,Achcha-Pawaya-Na ,may be the forefatrher of the
Chachapoya of Kuelap ,likely founded by Kuen-Lapp ,that is Kainuu-Sabme peoples .

Local people of the former Aimara states tend to be called Haki,that also may come from
AkHa-Gawa's name ,from the town of Haak-Gawa .

So the original language of Castilia might have been Finnish ,and founders of Karthago might as
well been of origin from Suomi ,and Castilia itself might be named after a son of Karthago,that is
Kashtilia ,son of Akguum .
In Finnish 7 sounds seitseman - following 6,that is seis - ,that is similar to Castilian semana ,
explained also from Latin septimana .

See Castilia,Castillo,Kulpin,Kölpényi,Vajas,Tromsö,Suomi,Inokai,Lorenzo,Yanes,Ormándi,Island,
and others !