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Connery Genealogy and Connery Family History Information

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About the Connery surname

History of the Connery Surname:
The name Connery was first found in western Ireland in the form of the name Ó Conaire meaning descendant of Conaire. It is possible that Conaire may not be a single person but that the name may just mean descendant of a king. The name would eventually evolve into Conroy in county Clare and county Galaway. Due to poor record-keeping and low literacy names would commonly be slightly changed at this time. Eventually many different variations of the name would be created, including Connery

Variations of the Surname Connery:
Conroy, Conery, Conry, O'Maolconaire, O'Conraoi, Mac Conraoi, O'Conaire, O'Conratha, O'Mulconry, Conray, Conrey, O'Conroy, O'Conry, Conneray, Conneroy, Connroy.