Surnames » Néel » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Private User, Michel TROTTET, Jeanne Poully and 272 others.


People: Private, Noël Kervision, Corentine Marie Courrot and 110 others.


People: Private User, George Hender Frean, George Frean and 64 others.

NEL Guillaume - South Africa's Stamouers


South Africa's First Families - details of the first immigrants of each family which flourished in that country. ----...

People: Guillaume Néel, SV/PROG

Adriaan Nel

March 25, 1736

Stellenbosch, Cape Winelands, Western Cape, South Africa

People: Adriaan Nel, Jean Néel and Susanna Fourie, SM

South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660-1970 Image South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660-1970; pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-267-12336-16400-62 —

Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and reso...

People: Adriaan Nel


October 21, 1798

Dinan, Cotes-d'Armor, Brittany, France

30 Vendémiaire an VII Page 324et 325/450

People: Louis Marie Rose Aubry, Lohouas, Guillemette Françoise Aubry, François Marie Beslay and 2 others.


November 4, 1799

Dinan, Cotes-d'Armor, Brittany, France

N° 21 Page 245/308

People: LiseMetin Aubry, Guillemette Françoise Beslay, Jacques Marie Rose Louis Aubry, Lohouas and 2 others.

Name variants and usage - Guillaume Néel, SV/PROG 1

Examples showing name variants vor Néel/Nel

People: Guillaume Néel, SV/PROG


Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Handtekeninge van Franse Hugenote. The French Refugees at the Cape. Colin Graham Botha

People: Abraham de Villiers SV/PROG 2, Pierre Vivier, Gabriel le Roux, SV/PROG 2 and 51 others.

Leonora Pieterse 10 September 1719 Stellenbosch Baptism.jpg


Stellenbosch, Brede River DC, Western Cape, South Africa

Father: Barend Pietersz Mother: Johanna Nel Witnessed by: Jan Nel and Susanna Fourie

People: Leonora Pieterse, b3, Barend Pietersz, SV/PROG 1, Jeanne Néel, SM/PROG and 2 others.

Hermanus Pieterse 19 September 1717 Stellenbosch Baptism.jpg

September 19, 1717

Stellenbosch, Brede River DC, Western Cape, South Africa

Father: Barend Pietersz Mother: Johanna Nel Witnessed by: Willem Nel and Jeanne la Bat Harmanus, d' Vader Barent Pie...

People: Hermanus Jacobus Pieterse, Barend Pietersz, SV/PROG 1, Jeanne Néel, SM/PROG and 2 others.

Willem Odendaal 10 November 1715 Stellenbosch Baptism.jpg

November 10, 1715

NGK Stellenbosch

Father: Willem Odendaal Mother: Judith Nel Witnessed by: Willem Nel and Jeanne la Bat Willem. d' Vader Willem Odenda...

People: Willem Odendaal, Wilhelm Odendaal, SV/PROG, Judith Nel, SM and 2 others.

Jan Nel b2c2 Baptism

November 13, 1718

NGK Stellenbosch

Name: Jan Nel Baptism Date: 13 November 1718 Father: Jean Nel Mother: Susanna Fourie Jan, d' Vader Jan Nel, d' Moede...

People: Jan Nel, Jean Néel and Susanna Fourie, SM

1-30 of 33 documents