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About the Don surname

'The Don family is mentioned in the Pultusk Memorial Book. But little is known of them except that it is possible that they originally came from Spain and that the family had a timber/carpentry business in Pultusk. Yehezkiel (sometimes referred to as Haim) did not accompany his wife (Leah nee Goldmacher) when she left Poland with her children to join her father Yussel and sister Malca in London. It would appear that his death was known and that it was before 1926 because his grandson Gerald (my brother) born in that year has the Hebrew name of Yehezkiel. My father Samuel Don was five or six when the family arrived in London. He served in the British Army in the 1st World War, fighting in Palestine in the Jewish Brigade of the 38th Fusiliers.. His records are in the Museum of the Gdudim (Battalions) in Avichail near Nethanya. He married Sarah Kenner in 1924 and had three children, Gerald (b. 1926), Laurence (b.1932 d. 2005) and Wendy Blumfield (b.1940) Gerald and his wife Marjorie live in Hampstead and Wendy and her husband David live in Haifa, Israel. Samuels brother Solomon was married to Yetta and had four daughters and one son, all now deceased. His sister Fanny married Ben Josephs and had three sons and two daughters, the eldest, Sadie (Hirschorn) is still living in London and over 90. The youngest brother of Samuel, Moshe did not marry or have children. For more details of the descendants contact me at