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  • Elhanan Margolioth (1893 - 1943)
    Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via brother Jonah Lipman Margolioth by SmartCopy : Feb 7 2015, 14:06:45 UTC
  • Karolina Cerny Soffler / Soffler (1900 - aft.1942)
    Death record: Born 23. 05. 1900 Last residence before deportation: Brno Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Brno Transport Ai, no. 795 (08. 04. 1942, Brno -> Terezín) Transp...
  • Rachel Fridman (deceased)
  • Kraindla Zajdner (1906 - 1942)
  • Rabbi Alexander Zusha Friedman, הי"ד (1897 - 1943)
    WIKI / אלכסנדר זושא פרידמן יום הפטירה בגליון בית יעקב כסלו תשל"ב

The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest ghetto in all of Nazi occupied Europe, with over 400,000 Jews crammed into an area of 1.3 square miles (3.4 km2), or 7.2 persons per room.From there, about 254,000 Ghetto residents were sent to Treblinka extermination camp during the two months of summer 1942.

The sheer death-toll among the Jewish inhabitants of the Ghetto during the Großaktion Warschau would have been difficult to compare even with the liquidation of the Ghetto in spring of next year during and after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising which meant annihilation of an additional 50,000 people followed by the actual razing of the ghetto.

With the inclusion of the Ghetto falling at least 300,000 Polish Jews lost their lives there.

MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF THE POLISH JEWS Built on the site of the Warsaw Ghetto - Video

History of the Polish Jews

El Male Rachamim Holocaust Prayer אל מלא רחמים, תפילה לזכר קרבנות השואה

The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest ghetto in all of Nazi occupied Europe, with over 400,000 Jews crammed into an area of 1.3 square miles (3.4 km2), or 7.2 persons per room.From there, about 254,000 Ghetto residents were sent to Treblinka extermination camp during the two months of summer 1942.

The sheer death-toll among the Jewish inhabitants of the Ghetto during the Großaktion Warschau would have been difficult to compare even with the liquidation of the Ghetto in spring of next year during and after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising which meant annihilation of an additional 50,000 people followed by the actual razing of the ghetto.

With the inclusion of the Ghetto falling at least 300,000 Polish Jews lost their lives there.

Built on the site of the Warsaw Ghetto - Video

History of the Polish Jews

El Male Rachamim Holocaust Prayer אל מלא רחמים, תפילה לזכר קרבנות השואה