Some Janisch families and the nomadic people Jenisch / Yeniche they may take their origin
from may be descended from the people that inhabited the region or town in the Holy Land of
America called A'a-ye-Naya .
This ,together with an other place called Al-Lat-Da ,has been founded by Es-Shem-Mer-Ra.,
called also Ber-Awag-Re-Ha ,son of A'al-La-Per-Gela ,
from the tribe of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na that had been living around the capital of the Holy Land ,
the town of the golden roofs or El Dorado he founded in about 2121 BC ,called after him Mano(n)a .
Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,called Manu by his descendants ,the Manusha, in India ,is the generic
ancestor of Abo peoples ,called in the antiquity Phoinicians,because Aba-Nawa is the ancient Copt
name in Aigypt of the mythical Phoinix bird .
Levites of his tribe were ,at stages when the social structure of the Chosen People,the American Indians ,
was yet intact by agressors from outside ,of Brakhmin langauge ,from which modern Hindu dialects
including Romani ones have evolved .
So where you find Hindi speakers ,there must be sons of Aba-Nawa .
Es-Shem-Mer-Ra from Al-Lat-Da might have given name to the river and tribe called
Esmeralda in the Holy Land,in Ecuador ,wherefrom his denscedants called Ladin might
have emigrated into the exile of Europe ,called Arzeret,or Other Land ,at the attack of either
the Assyrians in tthe 8th ,or of the Babylónians in the 7th century BC .
Some of them might have ,after his alternative name ,adopted Bryg ,that is Ber-Re-Awag ethnonym ,
mainly in the Balkan and then in Anatolia .
In the Balkan ,in Thessalia live Armen people ,called also Karaguni,who might have origin from this tribe ,
obviously from its branch that lives in Nicaragua .
Matagalpa tribe there namely may be closely related to Alpata(g)ma in the Atacama region ,
who in turn may be the kinsmen of the Atacame at Esmeralda .
Armenia in Mesopotamia was founded by emigrants from Thessalia ,from those called Arumen and
Karaguni there,apparently .
One of Esshemmerra's sons was called A-Wa-yek-Ha'a ,whose people might have taken part in this .
They might have lived in A'a-ye-Naya in the Holy Land ,after which they named the capital of their
newly founded homeland Ani .
So Yenish ,that is Ye-A'a-Naya-(ish ) itinerant people may basically be of Esmeralda origin ,
locally called at some countries they inhabit also Ladin ,and ,after a member of the family Rumanch ,
and were originally of Atacameno language or a dialect close to it .
See Ladini,Ani,Esmeraldino,Arista,Cagot,Esmeralda,Karagounis,Karagunis,Nicaragua,Mosquito,
Nolepa,Napoli,Sanmartín,Criollo,Morgan,Lovari,Kalash ,Zigeuner,Marrano,Calderas,Vinodolski,
Lika,Antalik,Bregenz and others !
Balázs Déri