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Mariano Genealogy and Mariano Family History Information

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  • Cesar Camargo Mariano
    Pianist, arranger, composer, and producer Cesar Camargo Mariano is one of Brazil's most celebrated and sought-after musicians. In the early '60s, just as the bossa nova was taking its baby steps toward...
  • Charlie Mariano (1923 - 2009)
    Carmine Ugo Mariano (November 12, 1923 – June 16, 2009)[1] was an American jazz saxophonist who focused on the alto and soprano saxophone. He occasionally performed and recorded on flute and nadaswar...
  • Elis Regina (1945 - 1982)
    Foi uma intérprete brasileira. Conhecida por sua presença de palco histriônica, sua voz e sua personalidade, Elis Regina é considerada por muitos críticos, comentadores e outros músicos a melhor cantor...
  • Francesco Di Mariano
    Di Mariano (born 20 April 1996) is an Italian footballer who currently plays for Serie B side Juve Stabia on loan from Venezia. He usually plays as a midfielder.
  • Guy Mariano
    Guy Mariano (born March 31, 1976[1][2]) is an American professional skateboarder. Mariano first gained recognition at the age of 14 for his video part in the Blind Skateboards video Video Days (1991).

About the Mariano surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Mariano surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Mariano surname.

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