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  • Alonso Antonio de Paz Uribe (c.1570 - d.)
    Nota: Según lo describe "El Becerro" libro de archivo de la nobleza española, Alonso de Paz y Uribe, es hijo de Alonso de Paz Rodríguez y de Marina de Uribe y Torres y no su medio hermano, siendo que A...
  • Alonso de Paz Rodríguez (c.1546 - 1597)
    Alonzo de Paz Rodriguez, mercader y ricohombre originario de Fregenal, Badajoz, Extremadura nació en 1520 y fue bautizado en la parroquia de Santa Maria. A temprana edad viajo a las indias, sin documen...
  • Alonso de Paz Ruiz (1586 - d.)
    Partida de bautismo en el Libro I de Bautismos del Sagrario, Santiago de Guatemala. Folio. Sergio Aragon San Juan 12/27/2019
  • Ana da Paz (c.1551 - c.1590)
    do autor Antônio Herbert Paz Bezerra o livro "Genealogia dos Bezerra de Menezes - História e Diáspora" - Premius Editora - Fortaleza- Ce- 2004."Branca Dias" de Candido Pinheiro Koren de Lima - Coleção ...

About the Paz surname

Paz is a Spanish surname that originated in the 14th century. As was the custom centuries ago, the surname was
typically accompanied by "de" and used as "de Paz". In modern times this custom was abandoned. In his well
researched book "Linajes de Salamanca" (Salamanca Lineages), Jose Sanchez Vaquero, Professor of Universidad
de Salamanca, describes the old and noble Paz lineage of Salamanca. The surname originated with a grandson of
Alfonso X, El Sabio, Sancho Perez (1280-1315), who was an illegitimate son of Infante Don Pedro, son of King Alfonso.
Infante Pedro had a legitimate son, Sancho, who did not have descendants. Both brothers, Sancho and Sancho Perez
did battle with the Arab rulers of Andalucia and their victories brought a measure of peace to the realm, hence,
Sancho Perez de Paz became his name. This surname was passed on to his descendants, who spread from the
Salamanca area and even reached the American continent. Some prominent members of this family, whose
genealogy is traced in Sanchez Vaquero, include Dr. Luis Alvarez de Paz (c1380-1456), fourth señor de los Corrales,
who was a rector of Salamanca, university professor there, Juan II counselor, and ambassador to Rome in 1431.
Another member of this family, famous for the wealth he accumulated as a merchant trading with the Indies while
based in Seville, was Alonso de Paz Rodriguez (1546-1597), born in Fregenal de la Sierra, Extremadura, and who
upon retiring to Fregenal founded a Jesuit School and a Convent in his home town. Alonso visited Tierra Firme
(Panama) briefly and did not leave descendants in the American continent.
The de Paz surname was also adopted by converted Jews in Fregenal, many of who were persecuted by the
Inquisition in Fregenal and Llerena in the XV and XVI centuries. The lists of Passengers to Indias from the XVI
and XVII centuries document many people of de Paz surname traveling to New Spain (now Mexico) and to
South America. The name has spread widely in the American continent since then, some people descending from
Jewish roots and others not and it is difficult to ascertain the difference without careful genealogical and genetic work.
Dr. Sergio Aragon San Juan October 15, 2023


Balázs Déri :

Some Paz families may be named after Paz ,son of Manawaz ,son of Hayk ,
according to the genealogies of ancient Armenian royals .
Hayk in it may be identical with An-Ayek-Ha-Ha ,one of the five sons of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,
the youngest of the twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,the Native Americans ,
who was called for the same reason Dionysos or Bakkhos by Helléns .
His name might well have been in the contemporane antique sources Unumabakesh thus ,
king of Gitu people until about 2105 BC .
The Gitu might have descended from Ar-Gayat-Sa ,one of the sons of A'ar-Ram-Me,
and might thus have been closely related to the Khurrians .

Dionys himself is the generic ancestor of Phoinician kings ,as Aba-Nawa meant in the
ancient Aigyptian language a Phoinix .
He might have been the king who founded the Golden City of Mano(n)a, that was
named after him ,and whom Hindu traditions call Manu ,the ancestor of Manusha ,
or Maur-Tsigan peoples ..
The latter's son Ikshwaaku ,who apparently was called Iacchos ( I-Waak-K"sh ) by Greeks ,
may be identical with Hayk of the Armenian tradition .
Hayk had two more sons ,beside Manawaz ,Armenak and Khor ,who might have been the king of
the Khurri Armenians ,and probably was called Nimi by Hindus .
In this case he may also be identical with the Kamayura ancestor ,Mavutsinim ,
that is Mawu(r)-Tsi(g)-Nim ,and his tribe is one of those called Morcego in the region ,
in Brazil ,at river Xingú.
The Kamayura though speak Tupi and not Mura or Bukhwara-Hay' ,the ancient language of
Bukhara and Khiwa in what was called in the antiquity Khór-Asm ,after Khor .

Man-Nawaz' ,father of Paz ,may be identical with Manés of the Greek genealogies ,
ancestor of Carians,Mysians,Lydians and Tyrrhénians ,among others ,husband or son
of Gaia ( Gawiwa ).
If Mangoyo tribe in the Holy Land ,related to the Dendi ,is named after them ,as Man-Gawiwa ,
then the Hindu name of Man-Nawaz son of Hayk,might well have been Danda ,
son of Ikshwaaku .Manazewa tribe of Tupy language too may be descended from him as well .

Manés ,that is Man-Nawaz may also be the ancestor of some of Nawazi-Montji people
in Bolivia .
In this case ,the children of his son ,Paz,who were from the Nawazi and of Tsi(g)-Mane tribes ,
might have taken part in the foundation of the capital of the country too ,and named it after
their ancestor ,La Paz .

See Hayek,Hájek,Hajek,Grabar,Dendi,Mura,Murai,Muray,Muránsky,Murányi,Mucsányi,
Buharin,Murato,Murata,Aimar,Tango,Arará,Kart,Páez,La Paz and others !
