Surnames » Coriat » Profiles

- Coriat (Afriat) (deceased)

? Afriat (Coriat) (deceased)

2e femme Coriat (deceased)

Abraham ben Isaac Coriat, Chief Rabbi of Tetuan (1717 - 1806)

Rabbi Abraham Coriat - Born in Tetuan in 1717, he became Dayan both of Tetuan and Mogador. During the Great Siege in Gibraltar, he went to Leghorn and died there in 1806. Source: appears on the Gibralt...

Abraham Coriat Coriat (c.1917 - c.2008)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (1883 - d.)

Abraham Coriat (1920 - 1980)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (deceased)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham Haim Coriat (1898 - d.)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (1861 - 1914)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham Israel Coriat (deceased)

Abraham Coriat Coriat (deceased)

Abraham Coriat Aburdaham (deceased)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (1881 - d.)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (1869 - 1915)

Abraham (Sargento) Coriat (b. - c.1918)

Abraham Coriat (b. - 1937)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Mar 7 2024, 15:23:14 UTC

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (1874 - 1875)

Abraham CORIAT (b. - 1845)

Abraham Albert CORIAT (1905 - d.)

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham CORIAT (c.1900 - 1967)

Abraham Raphael Coriat, Chief Rabbi of Essaouira (Mogador) (c.1750 - 1805)

GEDCOM Note === מחבר ספר "זכות אבות". שאלות ותשובות, דינים ומנהגים.... באנציקלופדיה גניאלוגיה הברייקה ע"מ 680 כתובשנפטר בשנת 1836..?? בשנת 1788 נקרא לשמש רב ראשי במוגאדור. אח"כ היה רב גם בגיברלטר וגם ב...

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

Abraham ben Yehudah Coriat, haDayyan al-Esouira (c.1800 - bef.1897)

GEDCOM Note === נפטר בגיל 45. חבר של רבי חיים פינטו ותלמידו מחבר ספר "ברית אבות" (ליבורנו 1862) === GEDCOM Note === === GEDCOM Note ===renseignements: Maurice Belisha, son arrière petit-fils, juin 1997...

Abraham Coriat (deceased)

GEDCOM Source ===MH:S45 ז'וזה אבקסיס גניאלוגיה הבראיקה ליסבון תאור שושלת משפחות יוצאי ספרד, פורטוגל, מרוקו === GEDCOM Source ===MH:SC667 עמ 681 עמ 681 0

Aim Ichoua CORIAT (1913 - 2016)

Albert Coriat (deceased)

Alberto Coriat Henao (deceased)

Alberto Coriat (deceased)

Alberto Coriat Díaz (deceased)

Alberto León Coriat Navas (deceased)


Alegrina Pinto (Coriat) (1872 - 1952)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Mar 7 2024, 15:23:14 UTC

Ana GARSON (1886 - d.)

Andrea Guevara (deceased)

Anna AMAR (1871 - d.)

Anna Alice Coriat (1895 - d.)

Annia ANIDJAR CORIAT (1929 - d.)

Arthur, Isaac CORIAT (1915 - 2001)

Rabbi Asher Coriat (1860 - 1927)

הרב אשר קוריאט Rabbi in Egypt and Beirut.

Assiba Hassiba Elmaleh (Coriat) (1812 - 1866)

GEDCOM Note ==={\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx22...

Aurora Sol Coriat (Amar) (1899 - 1988)

Belida Pilo (Coriat) (1854 - d.)

Belmira García Pezo de Coriat (deceased)

Benjamin Coriat (deceased)

Biba CORIAT (1897 - 1898)

Biba Coriat (1860 - 1913)

Biba CORIAT (b. - 1908)

Biba Benchiquito (deceased)

Biba Coriat (1803 - 1888)

Celia Casellas (deceased)

Celia Jacobo (Coriat) (1922 - 1984)

Celia Coriat Gabazon (deceased)

Clara CORIAT (1919 - 1974)

Clara CORIAT AMOUZIG (aft.1828 - d.)

Clara Amozeg (Coriat) (c.1796 - c.1827)

The Coriat were a family of scholars in Morocco that probably originated in Coria, Spain. The first known member was Abraham Coriat, rabbi in Marrakesh in the fifteenth century. Isaac (ca. 1580), proba...

Clarisse GABAY (1868 - d.)

David CORIAT (b. - 1999)

David Coriat (deceased)

Dina Bendahan (deceased)

Dinar Coriat (1897 - d.)

Djamila Benzaquine (1826 - 1901)

Djamila CORIAT (b. - 1872)

Djamila Levy (Coriat) (c.1840 - 1900)

Djamila Coriat (1876 - 1876)

Djamila CAZES (CORIAT) (deceased)

Djouar Aime ACHOUR (deceased)

Dona Coriat (deceased)

Dona Coriat (Taurel) (deceased)

Dona Coriat (deceased)

Dona Coriat (deceased)

Dona Rosilio (Coriat) (deceased)

Dona Ohana (Coriat) (c.1898 - c.1978)

Dona Coriat (deceased)

Donna Coriat (deceased)

Donna Coriat (Pinto) (1894 - c.1978)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Mar 7 2024, 15:22:53 UTC

Donna (deceased)

Donna Coriat (Pinto) (1894 - c.1978)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Mar 7 2024, 15:23:36 UTC

Donna Coriat (Florence) (deceased)

Dora CORIAT (1910 - 1998)

Elías Pariente Coriat (1913 - d.)

Elias Coriat Cohen (1904 - 2007)

Elias Coriat (b. - c.1955)

Elias CORIAT (deceased)

Elias Coriat (1902 - 2007)

Elina Sansón Lara (1917 - d.)

Emilia Coriat (Belahsen) (b. - 1913)

Estela Coriat (Benzadon) (c.1914 - c.1997)

Estela Coriat (1890 - c.1975)

Estelle Titi Coriat (Semana) (b. - 2003)